Words matter, folks! A correct Indigenous narrative expressed online at every opportunity matters, folks! What antisemitic racists want most is for you to argue with them on a false equivalency narrative – that somehow, because Arab-European Colonizers say so, Jews are equally Colonizers of our own ancestral land for having fought for and won our national Independence from Arab-European Colonialism upon the Canaan Levant. So, obviously, we should share with the historic Arab-European Colonizers of our ancestral land.

Since the European and Arab Colonizers say so,… because Jews are now somehow equal to the planet’s historic Caliphate/Crusader occupiers of Indigenous Peoples’ lands (for having forcibly decolonized for *literal* Indigenous people’s survival!), as Jews, you cannot win an argument and educate the world about the Jewish people, because … tit-for-tat meaningless arguments on “historical facts”, that are being distorted by the media false equivalency narrative between Jews and Arabs-Europeans, are all the discussion that you, as Jews, are *allowed* to have, in this Arab-European colonized world. Words matter, folks! A correct Indigenous narrative expressed online at every opportunity matters, folks!
Here before you – on this page, right here and right now – is the European Christian and Arab Muslim *“social justice”* reasoning: “We can’t fix the past. [True!] So, we’re not responsible for the past. [Partially true, but you structurally benefit though, others do not!] So, we are all social equals, now, just trying to learn to live with each other as equals [False!].” This latter *daily* justification for false equivalency among “citizens” is a *lie*! Whether politically “Right” leaning or “Left” leaning, it is meant to *not* upset the Colonial “applecart” upon *all* occupied and still surviving Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide! … As an Indigenous Jew, a child of the repeatedly colonized Land of Israel, this avoidance of establishing “justice for all” bothers me, daily and deeply!
Here, directly below the following meme, are some examples on how to speak as the Jews who are Indigenous to Judea-Samaria that we are – with a correct Indigenous Judean narrative. It is vital to say history factually *and* in correct perspective – correctly labeling and with *no* false equivalency!:
[NOTE: This page is semi-regularly updated. To make the best use out of it, search this page using your browser’s word “Find”, using the keyword of your choice (examples: “narrative” “indigenous” “allies” “apartheid” etc). Newest “correct” Jewish narratives are always at-or-around the bottom of this page.]

Whoever saves a life in 500 characters or less saves the entire world! … The purpose of these social media posts is to advocate for Indigenous Peoples’ survival and for our voices heard in social media.
Calling the land of Israel “Palestine” is like calling the continent of Michilimackinac “America”. It is racistly anti-Indigenous and Arab-European Colonialist! Take Me On!
Arab Colonizers posing as “Palestinians” need to stop occupying the Land of Israel. The Jewish people successfully decolonized our ancestral land, Judea and Samaria, in 1948. It’s now 2023 – and the “Palestinian” occupation is still being funded by the UN!
If those who speak Colonial Arabic upon the land of Israel are so indigenous, then why are Jews so determined to keep speaking our Canaanite Hebrew language, especially upon the land of Israel?
Jews are devoutly anti-Colonial, as two thousand years of resistance to assimilation has shown. Doesn’t matter if you’re European or Arab Colonizer, both are the same to us. Missionaries!
Hint, Jews are Indigenous to the Canaan Levant. Judaism is an ethno-religion. Colonial Christianity was invented in the Aegean north and Colonial Islam was invented in the Hejaz south.
You can raise your children to devoutly believe in imaginary histories and racist lies all you want – that Arabs are the indigenous and Jews are colonizers in the Canaan Levant. But this does not change nor erase our lived realities and the historical facts – that the Jewish people of Israel are the Canaan Indigenous and “Palestinian” Arabs are the settler-occupiers of our land, supported in their Colonial occupation by the UN.

The United Nations is a racistly anti-Indigenous organization. This is no surprise, though, given that the UN was designed to be and still is the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. This is why these nations support and fund the UNRWA continued Arab occupation of the Land of Israel, as punishment to all Israelis (Jews and non-Jews) for forcibly decolonizing our ancestral land in 1948 from post-WWI British-Arab occupation.
The land god of the Jews has his throne in Tziyon (Jerusalem, aka “Zion”). The planetary god of the Muslims has his throne in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The planetary god of the Christians has his throne in Rome, Italy, by way of the appropriation of Jerusalem and Jewish Jesus. … Help us to teach these easily verifiable historical facts to our colonized planet, so we can show you the path to peace among humans upon this planet Earth. Seriously!
For the historic Colonizers (aka, Arabs and Europeans) of this world, a question: Where in this world do Jews and Muslims “pray” in the same direction? … (Note, “praying” means something very different to Jews, compared to Muslims/Christians.)
Answer: That line of planetary direction where Jews and Muslims face both Tziyon (“Zion”, aka Jerusalem) and Mecca (Saudi Arabia). This rare occurrence near always happens in Israel. Why? Because Israeli Arabs are peaceful and loyal citizens of Israel, defenders of our Indigenous survival.

When Jews “pray”, we recite passages from our TaNaKh (our Judean-orignating ancestral literatures) to remind us who we are as the Canaan Judean people of Israel, to remind us of our vassaled obligations to our Judean land and the Canaanite Judean deity, YHWH, that owns this land of Israel. When Christians and Muslims pray, they supplicate for favors from their “God” (“Allah” for Muslims and “Jesus Christ” for Christians), even while committing, with impunity, their Colonial sins and crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide!
We Jews speak publicly, because we need to be heard as an Indigenous people, as the Indigenous Judean people of the land of Israel. If we don’t express our people’s narrative, who will? Christians, Muslims, and Marxists? What do they know about Jewish indigenousness?! … They’re too busy speaking for us about us and, for Jews in the Arab-European diasporas, getting violently angry if we don’t maintain their social narratives about who and what we are. (And still targeting us when angst, even when we do!)
I love my “Palestinian” brothers and sisters, but they need to remember that they are Arab Colonizers upon our Indigenous Jewish land of Israel. The Arab Caliphates did not have to colonize the Levant and Southwest Asia regions for Colonial Allah supremacy and Arabizing of lands to the north. The Arab Hashemite family of Arabia didn’t have to re-colonize the Levant and Southwest Asia regions with the British and French during WWI to divide up these lands for Colonial Arab national rule and supremacy. Make peace instead, all Arabs-Europeans, with forcibly decolonized Israel! Become loyal citizens even!
It was Jews Indigenous to the Middle East (MENA Jews) who restored the land and waters sovereignty of Israel in the 1880s and who fought for the decolonized national Independence of Israel in the early 1900’s. We are Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews, who were joined in our Zionism by Ashkenazi returnees from up north. If the Arabs, with their British and French handlers, had not invaded the Levant and Southwest Asia during WWI to re-colonize it, MENA Jews would not have needed to force our decolonization and Statehood in the 1940’s!
Christians and Muslims read a book (an appropriated book) and think that they know us – Judaism, Judea-people-ism. If we disagree, bloodshed and violence from their most extreme ensues. How dare we Jews not assimilate? How dare we self-sovereign upon our ancestral land? How dare our very Jewish existence upon this planet Earth bring Christianity and Islam, both theologically and Colonially, into question?!
“Conversion” means something very different to the Jewish people. “Conversion” to Judaism is the legal process that must be successfully fulfilled to be, hopefully, ruled as a “Jew” in a Jewish court of law. Very few people successfully “convert” to Judea-people-ism, because you must prove to the Jewish community that you have truly embraced the ethnicity and fate of our people. With such legal status, you may marry a Jew and birth Jewish children who are raised in Judaism!
Western media (especially USA media) teaches two things: The only good Jew is the colonized Jew, who is dependent upon the Colonial system for survival, who is anti-Jewish self-determination. The only evil Jews are Israelis who are fighting for our decolonized Independence from historic Arab-European Colonialism upon our ancestral land, from Christian-Muslim Colonizers who have scattered our people around this planet Earth for 58 generations.

Jews aren’t the only Indigenous people fighting for peaceful sovereignty upon our ancestral land. So are the Kurds, Sámi, Igbos, Pueblos, Cree, Navajo, Hawaiians, etc, etc, etc! There is room on this planet Earth for both Arab-European Colonizers and the Indigenous nations that refuse this colonization!
Colonial Arabic is not an indigenous language of the Levant and Southwest Asia regions, just like Colonial English, French, Spanish, and Dutch are not. The Jewish people speak Canaanite Hebrew. The Kurdish people speak Kurdi. The Assyrian people speak Suret. The Iranian people speak Persian. All of us Indigenous Peoples also speak Colonial Arabic and English, because of Caliphate and Christian colonizations.
Jews are the last surviving tribe of the Canaanite peoples (Moabites, Judahites, Israelites, Edomites, Ammonites, and Phonecians/Canaanites). To this day, our Jewish families have been living on the land of Canaan/Israel non-stop, performing our ritual land obligations and speaking our Canaanite Hebrew language. When were the Greek, Roman, and Arab invaders occupying the land? Oh, right! Only after Jews were the last surviving tribe of the Canaanite peoples. History facts matter!
Colonizers have no rights to the Levant and Southwest Asia, any more than they do to the continent they call “America”. When the Indigenous Peoples of these lands forcibly decolonize from Arab-European Colonialism, you’re still Colonizers – and, especially, when you fight the Indigenous population to prevent this, all to retain your occupying supremacy.
No Indigenous Nation wants a co-equal government between Indigenous and the historic Colonizers. If you don’t want to be citizens of an Indigenous nation, now successfully decolonized, then go back home to your nation, non-citizen occupiers. The only reason for suggesting this “two-state solution” is to keep all Indigenous Peoples in unending dhimmi/ghetto status, under the rule of the Arab-European Colonizers of planet Earth!
Until we address the root cause of antisemitism, the historic impunity of the Arab-European Colonizers regarding their crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide in our appropriated Jewish names, no bill passed through a Colonial Arab-European nation that still has not brought itself to account for its past is going to protect Jews (and Kurds, “second Israel”, and all Indigenous) from antisemitism (anti-Indigenous-ism)!

Jews are an Indigenous People, 15 million out 8 billion humans! We don’t have a “Bible”, we have our ancestral writings that we call a TaNaKh. Christianity, created in the Aegean north, and Islam, created in the Hejaz south, are Jewish-appropriating Colonizer religions. They have committed crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide in our Jewish names! Burning books is bad, but Colonial Arab-European impunity is worse! This impunity gives them the freedom to burn books and Indigenous Peoples.
Colonial Arabic, English, Spanish, French, and Dutch were forced upon the Indigenous Peoples who were violently colonized. So were the Colonial religions of Christianity and Islam forced at threat of heavy taxations, rapings, and deaths. All Indigenous Peoples, like Jews, fight to keep speaking our Indigenous languages upon our ancestral lands, for our language and ethno-religion is our worldview and our life as a people. We don’t want to be you, Arab-European Colonizers! We reject your attempts to assimilate us. We will survive your Colonial gods, languages, and governments for us!
When haters amongst the Colonizers (and their successfully colonized) don’t like what they are reading on an Indigenous Person’s posts, their repeated “go to” reaction is to report this profile – to silence the offending Indigenous voice that dares to speak easily verifiable historical facts to Arab-European Colonial power and supremacy. The objective, make him go away, somehow someway! … We IPs will be heard!
For generations, Jews have been expressing ourselves socially within the Colonial established narratives for our Judean people of Israel. The Arab-European social narratives that we are false equivalent equals to their Colonial -selves and, for this, are not really the Indigenous People of Israel that we are. Therefore, we are “ethno-state” “racists” for not wanting to share our land co-equally with the historic Arab-European Colonizers of the land of Israel (in a “democracy” between Indigenous and anti-Indigenous occupiers).
The dangers of Jews expressing in these socially acceptable ways, especially within Arab-European societies, achieves two harms against our ever targeted Jewish people: It invalidates our 1948 forced decolonization of the land of Israel as mere indigenous “colonialism” upon ancestral land, and it encourages still colonized Jews to assimilate into Colonial cultures (to forget, for perceived acceptance and safety, that we are Indigenous Judeans, because being such is not acceptable to the larger societies that surround us).

For Jews who are Indigenous to Judea-Samaria, Southwest Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, we have an awareness: That, both, the political “Left” leaning and “Right” leaning antisemites of the Colonial Arab-European colonized world are “flip sides” to the same Colonial coin! Neither is listening to the targeted Indigenous Peoples, both are supremacists in privileged societal nature, and both are way too busy fighting on media to consider that – both sides – are getting it all wrong!
Most people in this world have never actually met a Jew in person. Yet, we are severely overrepresented in Arab-European media, because of their Colonial obsession with the Land of Israel. In the West (especially, in the USA), there are Christian crossdressers, appropriating “Messianic” sects, who are publicly pretending to be Jews/Hebrews – convinced in their Colonial ignorance that Jews are a mere “religion” like them, rather than an Indigenous Judean people with an ethno-religion and Judean-orignating law system that defines us as a people.
There are 15.2 million Jews/Israelites worldwide by Jewish halachot (indigenous Judean law), with near half in Israel defending our 1948 decolonized ancestral land. That leaves the rest of the Jewish people in the Arab-European diasporas and, because of Muslim ethnic-cleansing of the MENA, most (not living in Israel) are living in the United States, with the rest in Europe, Canada, and South “America”.
This approximately 8.2 million diaspora Jews is often confused with the highly active and publicly vocal 2.2 million Christian “Messianic Jews” (aka, the “Hebrew Israelites” and “Jewish Christians”) worldwide. “Messianic Jews” are mostly Hebrew Israelites (1.6 million in the USA alone), and the remainder being the Baptist Evangelical Protestant invented “Jewish Christian” movement. They are all Christians in “Jewish” drag, and they do not speak for the Indigenous Judean people of the Land of Israel, ever!

There will be no peace upon the Land of Israel until Christians and Muslims, Arab-European Colonizers, stop supporting Arab “Palestinian” settler-occupation and terrorism upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Jewish land. … The Arabs with their British and French allies did not have to re-conquest the Levant and Southwest Asia during WWI, so that they could divide our Indigenous Peoples’ lands up into Arab Colonial nations! … This is why Israel was forced to decolonize in 1948! #landback
If Christians and Muslims really are “allies” of the Jewish people, then they must demand that their own Colonial nations allow all occupied Indigenous nations peaceful full decolonization and self-sovereignty upon a portion of their ancestral land. Until Arab-European Colonizers do this, you are no true ally of Israel, her citizens, and the Jewish people! This true “ally”-ship starts with ending the funding of the UNRWA immediately.
The USA provides financial “aid” to Israel so that Israel can buy weapons to defend herself from Arab “Palestinian” terrorism. The USA also provides Arab “Palestinians” financial aid through the UNRWA Arab occupation fund so that the Arabs can buy weapons to terrorize Israel with – so that Israel must rely on USA aid to buy more weapons to protect herself with. … This is Arab-European Imperialism in the Middle East. Prevent Indigenous Nation Independence at all costs!
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are the “allies” of Israel that Jews wish the United States had actually been over the decades. But, like the British occupiers of Israel before our forced 1948 Jewish decolonization upon “Palestine” – the Land of Israel – the United States is a duplicitous Colonial nation with a “USA” only agenda for the Middle East. We MENA Jews don’t want to be a mini-USA, a pawn of United States imperialism in the Middle East! We don’t want to be helpless ME-version Puerto Rico.
Alt Text in the Snapshot above: A new Middle East, where Israel and UAE and Saudi Arabia work together on economic sovereignty, to rid our Indigenous nations of European-Arab imperialism!

All residents of “Palestine” occupied by Arab colonialists know that the “A word”, Islamic Apartheid, exists to keep the indigenous Jews away from al-Aqsa Mosque. This is the only “Apartheid” in the Land of Israel! … Historical facts really are important. We Jews forcibly decolonized from British-Arab occupation in 1948, and we refuse to be the dhimmi of Arab Colonizers anymore!
We Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa understand that antisemitic racism is an inherited Colonial Arab-European social disease. It has no cure, once indoctrinated into racist Jew hate! … We see you, and we will survive you – always unassimilated and always rejecting your Colonial gods, languages, and governments for us! Shalom!
We Jews/Israelis love our southern Arab and northern European brothers and sisters, who are citizens of the nation-State of Israel – despite their Colonial Christianity, Islam, and Marxist religious affiliations – and who also fight in our Jewish IDF to maintain our Jewish Zionism (decolonized self-sovereignty) upon the Land of Israel! All lovers of Indigenous Peoples’ decolonization is a welcome citizen of eretz Yisrael.

We Jews have an understanding of who is an ally of our Indigenous nation: those Arab-European Colonizers and successfully colonized who demand that their own Colonial nations allow all occupied Indigenous nations peaceful full decolonization and self-sovereignty upon a portion of their ancestral land. It’s starts with the first colonized and, since 1948, first forcibly decolonized – but still Arab “Palestinian” occupied, with UN support – land of Israel. Other “allies” have an agenda for your Indigenous land or people.
You can swing “Left” like Hananya Naftali or Bernie Sanders and, still, there will be acts of antisemitic terrorism targeting “the Jews”. You can swing “Right” like Ben Shapiro or Dennis Prager and, still, there will be acts of antisemitic terrorism targeting “the Jews”. Jews are structurally “the other” in all Arab-European Colonial nations, and always have been since the rise of Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam.
Never underestimate the danger of Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam for the survival of all still resisting and still unassimilated Indigenous nations around this planet Earth. You know, the Jews, Kurds, Assyrians, Balochs, Igbos, Sámi, Pueblos, Cree, Navajo, Lakota, Wampanoag, Hawaiians, Maori, etc, etc, etc!
A true ally of Indigenous Peoples is willing to help break the Colonial structured society he/she lives in for the decolonization of Indigenous and formerly enslaved Indigenous peoples. It’s the least form of accountability for Arab-European Colonial crimes against humanity that a true ally can offer. There is room for Colonial and anti-Colonial nations in this world, peacefully living side by side!
Dietrich Bonhoeffer represents exactly what an actual “ally” of Israel is! He was willing to die for the victimized Indigenous Peoples targeted by Nazis, in this case the Jewish people of the Land of Israel. Hitler’s war of genocide was supported by Arabs occupying lands from “Palestine” to “Iraq” (new Colonial Arab nations on the scene, courtesy of their British and French handlers). Mein Kampf was such a best seller in Egypt that Jews had to flee to South Africa diaspora communities for survival.

If we Jews really want to educate citizens of Arab-European Colonial Nations, we’ll learn to stop using the Colonial acceptable narratives for our Indigenous Judean people of the land of Israel. Jews are not a “religion”, like Christianity and Islam. Jews are an Indigenous People with an ethno-religion, Judaism (Judea-people-ism), that defines us as a People.
Preaching to the choir and wasting time on the haters is not where we now need to be as the Indigenous Judean people of the land of Israel. We Jews are the “light” for all still decolonizing Indigenous Peoples worldwide. If we are only for ourselves….
Know, too soon! We Jews are still too Arab-European colonized. Still kissing privileged majority hands, thinking that false equivalency is somehow going to work out for our Jewish people of the land of Israel.
A Colonizer is a Colonizer Regardless of Ancestry! Learn why Here!
A Taste of Israeli Politics – Jews Indigenous vs Jews colonized! – A battle between Jews Indigenous and Jews colonized for Israel’s future!
Jews need an Israeli “Constitution” based on the ways of Judea! – Learn about it, here!
Only Arabs and Europeans can End the Violence in Israel! – See Why Here – Enough said! So, prove us wrong.
I don’t know how to reach this “white” “black” world! Learn why Here!
Educate yourself on historical quotes and historical facts here on this page of History That Is Erased By Arab-European Colonizers!
Is Israel A Racist Supremacist Ethno-State? – Find out here, Now!
Indigenous Stories and Indigenous Ways – Learn some here!
Back to the Take On Me index page – Click Here.
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