Category: Uncategorized

  • No Other Land for Indigenous Jews!

    Brace yourself, for this web site boldly reclaims OUR Jewish people’s narrative, affirming to both Jews and non-Jews without a doubt that Jews are indigenous to our Canaan land of Israel Israel. Easily verifiable historical facts NEVER disappear, despite the prolific European and Arab settler Colonists’ attempts to re-write, distort, and erase history to fit…

  • What is Judaism? ما هي اليهودية؟

    كم عدد آلهة اليهود؟ כמה אלים יש ליהודים? هل هناك أنصاف آلهة في اليهودية؟ האם יש אלים למחצה ביהדות? ما هي اليهودية؟ מהי יהדות? نحن نقدر جميع الردود على هذه الأسئلة! אנו מעריכים את כל התשובות לשאלות אלו! How many gods do Jews have? Are there demigods in Judaism? What is Judaism? All responses to…

  • Israel Wants Peace and Security, Not Vengeance!

    The only people trying to achieve PEACE and SECURITY is the indigenous Israeli people! The Palestinian occupiers of our 1948 decolonised land must be removed, for they will NEVER respect the sacred land that they are politically land-squatting upon! When they are not parading tortured and murdered Jews down their streets, they are trying to…

  • Let’s Talk Israeli Land Back Now

    Let’s talk about what we Jews should have done in 1967, when we forcibly ended the Jordanian and Egyptian occupation upon our 1948 decolonized Canaan land of Israel. Let’s talk about our Israeli people doing this in 2025 – evicting every politically land-squatting Arab Palestinian who refuses to live peacefully under our Indigenous nation sovereignty…

  • Jewish Tree Ceremonies & Fertility Rituals

    On this full moon 🌕 of Sh’vat, 5785 – Tu Bishvat, the New Year of the Trees – take an Indigenous 🌳🕎🪬 lesson from our Kurdish 🌳☀️🪬 historian brother. Himdad Mustafa teaches Jewish fertility tree rituals in Kurdistan : “A wonderful example of the use of trees 🌳 in fertility rituals in Kurdistan is the…

  • Gaza 2025 – After the “Genocide”

    Snapshot – Gaza 🇵🇸 2025, after the “genocide”! This is NOT what a genocide looks like, unless you are the pan-Arab 🇵🇸 terrorists who are committing the genocide – and filming it for propaganda! The Indigenous nation of Israel ✊🏼🕎🪬🇮🇱💪🏼 survives in sovereignty – despite this European 🇺🇳 supported pan-Arab nationalist 🇵🇸 racism! Now look…

  • Jewish and Native American indigenous Torah

    Before the attempted genocide of Jews in the 15th century CE – think BEFORE 1492’s Iberian version of the “Trail of Tears”, inflicted upon the Jewish people by the Christian conquers of Spain and Portugal (you know, indigenous Jews of Judea and Samaria who were forced up northward into the Iberian Peninsula by the Roman…

  • Jews and Indian Country understand Treaty

    Even as historical circumstances change, a treaty is a treaty that must be addressed and honored by both parties, until officially/legally dissolved. Jews are an Indigenous people, and we fully understand the First Nations’ mindset on making and keeping treaties. Let’s learn together! There is a kind of treaty that can never be broken by…

  • There Are Eight Genders In Jewish Halacha!

    Back to 🔊 Indigenous ways, Indigenous values ✊🏼🪬💪🏼 ! Jewish midrash recognizes that three – possibly four – biological sex possibilities naturally exist. These are: male, female, male-female, and undetermined. Hence the ancient Jewish story that Moses was born a female and transitioned into a male. But, Jewish native ways are based on MORE than…

  • New Moons, Indigenous Voices, Indigenous Erasure

    Privileged citizens of European and Arab Colonial nations, LISTEN to our Indigenous peoples’ voices worldwide!!! WE are telling you the HISTORICAL truths upon our SHARED planet Earth. We are teaching you our stories and our histories – for the sake of peace and security upon Earth. Hello, I am Tsefanyahu, and I have a fresh…