Category: Uncategorized
Why is Christianity, Islam, and Marxism going to bring an END to the Human species upon our SHARED planet Earth?!
AGAIN, why is Christianity, Islam, and Marxism going to bring an END to the Human species upon our SHARED planet Earth?! Here is something that Joy Reid , Chris Hayes , Mehdi Hasan , Ayman Mohyeldin , Jake Tapper , etc, etc, etc (- if you know, you know -) will NEVER UNDERSTAND: What it…
We SWANA Indigenous Will NEVER Accept Your History Appropriation!
You European and Arab settler occupiers can rewrite history in your textbooks and social media feeds to make our Indigenous peoples’ histories YOUR “indigenous” history upon our lands, you can by the might of your physical numbers and globalized pan-nationalist infrastructure steal our lands and steal our cultural identities to make it YOUR “indigenous” identity,…
Winter Solstice – A SWANA Jewish Perspective
What makes an Indigenous people anywhere upon this planet Earth? It’s the stars and planets, the sun and moon, the summer and winter solstice – the seasons that define each year upon our sacred lands, by which we create moments of sanctification through stories and rituals. This is true, whether it is SWANA Jews and…
Jewish Indigenous Have Questions, Colonizers!
Honest questions: Knowing that all this bloodshed upon our Israeli sacred land never would have happened IF the United Nations had not been funding Palestinian terror groups, WHY do you still focus ONLY on what Israel is doing?!! Only the UNRWA 🇺🇳 funded Palestinian terror group Islamic HAMAS 🇵🇸 is responsible for this post-Oct 7th,…
Indigenous Survival and Resistance is Our Thanksgiving, including Jews!
The 7 Clans asked, “Why do we as Natives bring down other Natives knowing how hard life can be for a Native?” The answer is… Because, the European and Arab Conquistadors have taught our worldwide Native minds to see other Indigenous peoples as NOT actually indigenous peoples, thus the enemy! Colonial Christianity, Islam and, now,…
Israeli Origin Stories Despite Antisemitic Racism!
More Israeli people’s origin stories and lived history in the face on ongoing worldwide antisemtic racism and terrorism! Existence is our Indigenous peoples’ resistance. Never let the European and Arab Conquistadors silence our voices! On this full moon 🌕 Cheshvan 5785, we chant a set of Jewish origin stories that are so tribal and, from…
Warnings About Christian And Muslim Pogrom!
This needs repeating: Kristallnacht took place on November 9, 1938. The Nazis thought they were oppressed by Jews too. Just like the Arab “Palestinian” political land-squatters upon our 1948 forcibly decolonized Indigenous Jewish land of Israel! We Jews blame Christians for this Amsterdam pogrom two days ago! “Let’s get one thing clear: there is no…
Jews, Mitzvot, and The 2024 POTUS Election
Almost all voting groups shifted toward Trump, except American Jews. Why? Even American Indians voted for Donald Trump at an alarming 65 percent, even though this choice directly threatens their Indigenous survival and efforts to decolonize. Why did other minority groups, but not Jews, vote significantly more for Trump this 2024 POTUS election? In a…
Jews Of The United States, Listen To SWANA Jews!
As we Jews who are indigenous to our Canaan land of Israel have been telling BOTH Michilimackinac Indigenous peoples and our successfully colonized Jews in the United States of Colonial America diaspora: Kamala Harris says that she will have our voices at the USA policy making colonial table. Let us ALL Indigenous peoples make our…
Jewish New Moon Stories About Noah
This new moon 5785, we Jews are blessed with being able to share teachings about our Jewish origin stories! Specifically about Noah this Shabbat, but also about Adam and Chavah, Cain and Abel, those who built the Ziggurats in Mesopotamia, and how these stories all find their completion in the Jewish demigod Noach. Shall we…