Category: Uncategorized

  • Indigenous Simchat Torah After A Year Long Genocide!

    ALL of these deaths upon our SWANA Jewish people’s land 🕎🪬🇮🇱 and upon our Kurdish neighbor’s land for the last 106 years are the ONLY ACTUAL genocide occurring – being engaged in by the post-WW1 European established Arab Conquistador 🇵🇸 nations that occupy Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands! It is Arab Palestinian terrorists for Islamic…

  • Jewish Indigenous Resistance During Sukkot 5785

    Zionism is the ancient Jewish people’s Indigenous resistance to cultural assimilation. Zionism is the Jewish people’s desire for peaceful and secure self-sovereignty upon Zion, our Canaan land of Israel. In every generation, Zionism is our Jewish people’s “land back” movement. Every Jewish fighter for Israel throughout our 3,800 year history upon our Canaan land of…

  • Reparations for Jews, Kurds, and All Indigenous nations!

    Let’s all work together to end European and Arab settler Colonialism, Apartheid, terrorisms, and genocides upon Southwest Asia and Africa and upon AbyaYala and Michilimackinac (Colonial America). Let us Indigenous nations worldwide demand REPARATIONS for the historic sufferings that we have individually and collectively endured! Let us Native peoples worldwide establish peace and security for…

  • Jews, Israeli Apartheid, and Yom Kippur

    Never underestimate the resolve of an Indigenous people to survive, Colonizers! Israel is freedom fighting for the peaceful and secure decolonization of all our post-WW1 Arab/Islamic occupied neighbors, not just for our own survival. Militant Christians, Muslims, and Marxists – who love to blame the SWANA Indigenous peoples for their established Apartheid, terrorisms, and genocides!…

  • To Our Kanaka o’ Hawai’i Brothers and Sisters

    Most non-kama’āina who read this post will not understand the Hawaiian Creole English language parts of this post. But, PLEASE, don’t let this stop you from reading through all of this page! We Indigenous peoples worldwide must begin to HEAR each other – and unite as one! … Az wen say to da haole Paul…

  • Rosh ha’Shanah and Israeli resistance 5785

    From the most colonized to the least colonized,… What a time for Indigenous peoples resilience and resistance worldwide! … If only we all can learn to speak with one complicated even contradictory singular voice, like our Jewish people’s Torah speaks to our native Jewish people and to this entire human world. If you want to…

  • The Voices of Non-Jews Matter to Jews!

    Loay Alshareef, who was born in Saudi Arabia and Muslim raised to hate Jews immensely, shared, “Muslims named after Israeli Prophets should never question Israel’s legitimacy. It gets even more interesting when Muslims use the term ‘Bayt Al Maqdis’ without knowing its origin.” The European and Arab indoctrination into antisemitic racism did not survive within…

  • STOP Blaming The Victims Of Terrorism Abuse!

    Legal terrorism is the act of demanding that Jews/Israelis do nothing to defend ourselves while being raped and murdered by Arab terrorists! Blaming ANY Israeli for what Palestinian HAMAS and Hezbollah terrorists are doing is pure and simple European and Arab antisemitism towards decolonized Jews! The nickname for native Jews is sabresím סברסים or tsabarím…

  • READ: July 2024 PSR Survey of Arab Palestinians and Israelis

    Arab Palestinians and Israeli Natives are the most polled peoples upon this planet Earth, due to European and Arab Colonial obsession over our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel. Here’s the most recent independent polling that was conducted in July 2024. It is very revealing! Even if not really surprising to Israeli tzabarim. If you…

  • More Native Jewish Teachings!

    We Jews love our native Jewish stories, and our stories about our ancestral origin stories! Read and get an education. Talmud Chagiga 12 teaches: “The Gemara poses a question: And was light created on the first day? But isn’t it written: “And God set them in the firmament of the heaven” (Bereshit 1:17), and it…