Category: Uncategorized

  • The Watermelon Emoji Is Israel and Kurdistan

    Indigenous People test: Who speaks, reads, and writes Canaanite Hebrew as an Indigenous language? The Jewish people! Who speaks, reads, and writes Colonial Arabic? Arabs, Muslims, and their slaves! Who speaks, reads, and writes colonial English, colonial Spanish, or colonial French? Europeans, Christians, and their former slaves! Who supports Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx dominionism…

  • All Indigenous Lands Are The Holy Land!

    Being an Indigenous people is about our ways, beliefs, and experiences, not just our history and land rights. How are the Jewish and Kurdish peoples ever going to successfully decolonize our SWANA lands, if the world thinks that the Jewish people are “just a religion” that is basically no different than Colonial Christianity and Colonial…

  • 106 Years of British-Arab Occupation and Terrorism!

    106 years of British-Arab post-WW1 settler occupation to prevent our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples – Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, and formerly-indigenous “Arab”ized people – from successfully decolonizing peacefully and securely – and still counting! It is way past time to end the UNRWA funded Arab occupation and terrorism, and force the United Nations of Arab-European…

  • Ishmael Is Our Neighboring Kurdish People

    How about listening to ALL still surviving Indigenous peoples – and, especially, to Ishmael, the Kurdish people, and Isaac, the Israeli people – so that you understand our Jewish (yes,) inherently “Indigenous” resistance to Colonial assimilation! We just want peaceful and secure self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land AND good relations with our neighbors. Why are…

  • All Eyes On Rafah’s HAMAS terrorists!

    This All Eyes On Rafah campaign serves only one purpose: to encourage the Arab-European colonized world to force a racistly violent end to the planet’s FIRST successfully (forcibly) decolonized Indigenous nation – the Jewish sovereign nation of Israel upon our land of Israel. What we Indigenous peoples want to know is: WHERE WERE YOUR EYES…

  • How To Decolonize The Arab-European Colonizers!

    Israel’s response: Freedom fighting for the release of our native Israeli people and for peace and security for our decolonized Israeli nation is NOT an ICJ decision! United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations, STOP UNRWA funding Arab settler occupation and terrorisms upon the Southwest Asia lands of Israel and Kurdistan, and let us peacefully and…

  • Zionism Is Jewish Resistance And Land Back

    Zionism is the belief that Indigenous lives really do matter in an Arab-European colonized world for racistly violent Colonial Allah, Christ and, now, Marx ruling dominionism! Zionism is Indigenous resistance, freedom, and self-sovereignty amongst the Colonial nations upon this planet Earth! Zionism is the Jewish land back movement in applied action! If we Israelis (Jews…

  • Israel’s Resistance To UNRWA Explained

    The Kurdish and Israeli peoples’ Indigenous resistance to terroristic religiously motivated Arab settler Colonialism will not be defeated by the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations and their UNRWA funded terrorist proxies! (First nations of Michilimackinac…)שלום לקרוביי. אני יהודי ואני מארץ קדושה מאוד. ארץ ישראל בה נמצאת העיר ירושלים. שלום עליכם.shalóm l’krováy. aní yehudí v’aní…

  • Zionism Is Indigenous Resistance, Full Stop!

    Zionism is Indigenous resistance, and is our Jewish land back movement! We Israelis are a light unto all still surviving Indigenous peoples that decolonization from European and Arab settler Colonialism is indeed possible. We Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arabs citizens of Israel) are showing the world what the Indigenous land back movement looks…

  • “Free Palestine” is not an Indigenous liberation movement!

    ” “Free Palestine” is not an Indigenous liberation movement. … Today, there is an urgent need to reinforce our sovereignty. We must control our resources, govern our lands, and preserve our cultures against ongoing threats. Just as Jewish people have maintained their cultural and ancestral connections to Israel, we, too, must safeguard our heritage. ”…