Category: Uncategorized

  • Why African Americans See Themselves In Gaza Palestinians

    From Gaza to Iran to the United States, there is a growing effort by marginalized citizens of Colonial nations to equate their struggles for civil rights to the anti-Colonial resistance movements being engaged in by truly marginalized Indigenous peoples. These acts of conflation, the merging of disparate political causes and goals, serve only to erase…

  • Jesus the Jew versus Jesus the Christ

    The historical Jesus of Nazareth, the proto-rabbi Jew living in 1st century CE Roman occupied Judea, was an anti-Roman Zionist, an anti-Colonial Pharisee Zionist. Had he been alive in the 2nd century CE to see what Paul did to his teachings and how antisemitic Paul the Pharisee had become through living in the Aegean north,…

  • The Winter Solstice Is The Reason For The Winter Holiday Season!

    Acknowledging the monthly birth of the new moon is the ultimate Indigenous sustaining ritual to keep our Indigenous Jewish people successfully not colonized. So is acknowledging that the new day starts with night. For SWANA Indigenous peoples, the winter solstice is a foreboding of all the sufferings we must go through to reach the spring…

  • WABO Palestinians and Modern Arab Nazism!

    WABO Palestinians no longer deserve Indigenous peoples’ sympathies anywhere on planet Earth. It time for all Indigenous nations to fully decolonize amongst these Arab-European settler Colonialists! Colonial Arab and European nations will just have to make room for our fully restored and sovereign Indigenous nations upon our ancestral lands. The modern Palestinian Arab Nazism towards…

  • Are We Nearing The Days Of The Mashiach (the Messiah)?

    Absolutely, not! Sadly, we humans are not even close yet to seeing the mashiach in our lifetime! And, here’s why: Most of the world is still on the side of the “sons of darkness”, evil depravity, rather than uplifting the “sons of light” towards victory! It is NOT difficult to understand who is “evil” in…

  • International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

    Yes! Let us create a real International Day of Solidarity with the SWANA Indigenous “Palestinian people” who are occupied by Arabs, Turks, and Iranians! Who are the “Palestinian people” (only Arab and European Colonizers use the word “Palestine” for SWANA lands)? Solidarity with Jews and Kurds and Balochs and Assyrians, who fight daily for their…

  • Indigenous Myths Are Also Indigenous History!

    Where history and myth harmonize, you have Indigenous understanding of this world! For our Indigenous myths are also our lived Indigenous histories upon our ancestral lands. It doesn’t matter if you are SWANA Indigenous (Southwest Asia to North Africa) or Michilimackinac Indigenous (what Europeans named “America”), all Indigenous peoples around this planet Earth experience the…

  • Giving Thanks Indigenously Even During War!

    We bless as an act of giving thanks, for this is the Jewish Indigenous way – both in times of joy and sadness, in times of peace and war! May the Arab “Palestinian” post-WW1 settler Colonialists lay down their weapons, and turn over all hostages. May the Arabs in Gaza let go of their racism…

  • Indigenous Solidarity With Colonial “Palestine”?

    Is this how effective European “American” Colonialism has been upon Turtle Island, the land of Michilimackinac? That Indigenous nations occupied by Colonial “America” would stand in solidarity with Colonial “Palestine” upon the lands of Israel and Kurdistan? That Indigenous “Americans” would be so easily exploited by post-WW1 Arab Colonizers taking social media advantage of United…

  • “Free Palestine” – END Arab-European settler Colonialism, please!

    Please, world, “free Palestine”! We SWANA Indigenous peoples want to be free of the violence being inflicted upon our peoples and upon our lands by Arab and European “Palestinian” settler Colonialists. We SWANA Indigenous peoples will forcibly decolonize from this post-WW1 Arab-European landgrab and settler Colonialism upon our ancestral lands. A landgrab supported by the…