Category: Uncategorized
The Middle East’s “White People” Are Arab!
From Arabian to “Palestinian”, Arabs are the “White people” of the Middle East. USA racial dynamics don’t apply to the Arab colonized Middle East and North Africa, United States! Explain that to those “representatives” who exploit this USA myopic worldview. Again,… From Arabian to “Palestinian”, Arabs are the “White people” of the Middle East. Just…
Convince Yesterday’s Colonizer That Today’s Colonizer Is Wrong!
You cannot convince yesterday’s Colonizer that today’s Colonizer is wrong. BUT WE MUST KEEP TRYING! Both create mythic histories to justify their Colonialism! Whether it is European Colonizers for Colonial Christianity or Arabian Colonizers for Colonial Islam, it is the same to ALL still struggling to survive Indigenous Peoples around this planet Earth. Exactly! European…
Occupation is the Provocation – Arabs, Persians, Romans, Greeks!
The Reason For Chanukah – Greeks, Romans, Persians, and Arabs, the historic Palestinians! “Occupation is the provocation!” The genocides upon Jews, Kurds, and other Indigenous Peoples of the Levant and Southwest Asia regions must come to end – even if by violent Indigenous uprising to Arab-European Palestinian occupations and terrorism. Palestini(an) is the Arab-European version…
Our Fight With Joy Reid Of The Reid Out
What were our words that Joy Reid repeated on Monday in her antisemitic rant for a defense of Arab “Palestinian” racism towards Jews and their Arab “Palestinian” occupation of Jordanian-Egyptian occupied parts of 1948 decolonized Israel? We said that Arab “Palestinians” of Gaza should round up and hand over their Hamas militants, given that they…
Stop Punishing Jews and Palestinians, United Nations!
Stop punishing Jews and Palestinians, United Nations! Stop punishing Indigenous Jews and Arab “Palestinians”, United Arab-European Colonial Nations! Stop with the systemic and structural 1,600 years worth of occupation and hatred for Jewish people’s survival and resistance to your Christian-Muslim attempts at universal planetary assimilation! We Indigenous Peoples of planet Earth – Jews, Kurds, Pueblo,…
Every “Palestinian” Child is a Tinok Shenishba!
Yes, every “Palestinian” child born into the “West Bank” and Gaza of the 1948 successful decolonized Land of Israel is a Tinok Shenishba, a “captured infant” born on a path towards hatred and occupation of Jews and our land of Israel! These Arab children are innocent souls at birth and for some time, until successfully…
Israel Is The Salvation Of Humanity, Seriously!
Jews, who are also known as Israel, were pantheists, like Kurds and other SWANA Indigenous peoples, before becoming henotheistic, devoted to only one of the Canaan gods. It was the creation of northern Aegean Christianity and southern Arabian Islam that, eventually, pushed the Jewish people of the land of Israel into an animistic form of…
Colonial Arab and European “Resistance” to Indigenous Jews Explained
I and other Jews know intimately, personally, and firsthand what it feels like to not be truly heard in this world, more so than any “Palestinian” descendant – whether of migratory Arab descent or successfully Arabized Levantine – will ever understand! More so than any Colonial Arab or European will ever understand! Perhaps you should…
Every World War Is About Jews and Israel!
The real reasons for World Wars matter! And a third World War is about to begin over antisemitism towards Israel! Because history IS this important! Because real history DOES matter! WAKE UP AND LISTEN!!! We are headed towards World War 3, if we do not ADDRESS THIS FALSE EQUIVALENCY and emphasize moral clarity NOW throughout…
Here Is Why The Palestinians Support Terrorism As “Resistance”
Easily verifiable facts do not simply disappear, just because Colonial Arabs and Europeans insist on writing and indoctrinating fake revisionist history to justify Arab and European Colonialism around this planet Earth. The “Palestinian” struggle of “resistance” is the most talked about example of this! We Indigenous peoples and honest colonized peoples keep alive the easily…