Here are some historical facts that never change: “White” USA Christians did not invent racism. Racism well preceded the targeting of “blacks”, Africans kidnapped for slavery in the USA! The only thing “white” USA Christians created, in the 16th century CE, was the WORST and most evil form of localized slavery yet invented by human beings. Even the Romans had “chattel” slaves, predating the invention of their Colonial religion, Christianity. But it was early Aegean Christians that codified modern (Common Era, CE) racism into their religion’s theology! Racism started out as geography-based ethno-national racism – but, through the formation of Aegean Christianity, this racism by the socially powerful has disproportionately targeted those known as Jews. Learn more, here…!

This original form of racism, antisemitic racism, has thrived throughout the European-Arab colonized worlds for 1,600 years unabated, now. Regardless the skin-color and appearance of Jews, all Jews throughout this world and upon every continent and island have faced the same ethnic cleansings, social oppressions, and genocides for simply existing as Jews in this world – based on the same antisemitic racist tropes created by 4th century CE European Christians, whom taught the Arab Muslims that spawned a second Colonizer religion into this world, Islam. The only Jews in this world that have (to historical date) gotten “a pass” from the worst acts of antisemitic racism – assuming they can “white” present in this world – are USA Jews who are “white” passing, and only since the 1960’s Civil Rights acts (which Jews and “blacks” fought for together!).
Again, historical facts that never change: Colonial Islam came after Colonial Christianity, yes? So let me educate Muslims, since Christians are so unwilling to learn real unerasable world history (unerasable, so long as the world’s Indigenous Peoples continue to survive unassimilated by Allah-Christ-Marx history revisionisms). Jesus the Jew of Nazareth, late 1st c BCE to early 1st c CE, was a Zionist (anti-Roman and pro-Indigenous, iows anti-Colonial and pro-Judean sovereignty upon Judean land). Jesus the “Christ” of the Aegean north, early 2nd c CE to present day, was anti-Jewish and pro-Christian. How did this great Colonial transition of Indigenous stories happen, anyone?
Yet, again, historical facts that never change: Jesus the Jew, as recorded in the books of Mark (the original unedited version ends at chapter 16 verse 8) and Matthew, was fully Torah law observant and taught his followers to be so! The only struggle he had in these “Gospel” books is with proto-Rabbinical interpretations of “Mosaic” law that disagreed with his own interpretation of Torah laws. If you don’t observe Torah law, Jesus of Nazareth does “not know you”, according to the book of Matthew! Whereas, in the 2nd c CE, Marcion of Sinope in the Aegean north – with his created first Christian Bible (seven letters written by Paul and a pre-book of Luke) – was teaching his European gentiles that Jesus the “Christ” had introduced a totally superior new god, more powerful than the tribal deity of the Jews (YHWH), and that the messiah of the Jews was yet to come. The god of Jesus of the Aegean north was for all the gentiles! This early Christianity was very popular in the southern reaches of the European continent, but many Aegean gentiles wanted to appropriate more from the Judean culture down south – think Irenaeus and Tertullian (etc) – from Jews indigenous to the land of Israel, seeking to ground their new universal Colonial religion in all things Jewish ancestral literatures.
Again and again, historical facts that never change: It was Origen Adamantius (aka, Origen of Alexandria), 185 c CE – to 253 c CE, who invented Christian racism (and, subsequent, Muslim racism by their adoption) into this human world. His very teachings are the fundamental structure by which Christianity’s theology in the Aegean north was formed upon! What did Origen teach in his very influential writings? Those who are born into “good nations” (aka, Christian nations) are born so, because they are righteous before the Christian god, JC. Those who are born into Arab and African nations (aka, geographicallly not European, hence their “presenting” physically in life) are born so, because they sinned against the Christian JC god before their birth! They can accept Christ in their lifetime, but must pay the enslavement price, never the less – until they are physically, in a later life, born into a Christian nation. By the 4th c CE (and ever since!), Jews were (and still are!) the number one target of this racist Christian ideology – no matter where on this planet and in what skin we present as a Jew who is Indigenous to Judea-Samaria!
FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH, Origen Adamantius never meant to create modern Christian-Muslim racism that has terrorized this planet Earth ever since, but his followers embraced his thoughts way too literally!. Again, by the 4th century CE, we have Aegean northern Christianity calling for the enslavement of the “carnal race of Jews” in the voices and actions of the Church Fathers of Christianity – antisemitic racism established in the very fundamental theology of Christianity. Which was taught to southern Hejaz-created Islam, when this 2nd colonizing religion was created in the 7th c CE. Origen of Alexandria had already set the stage for the division of humans by races, whites (“good nations”) are born white because of the Christian god, colored folk (“bad nations”) are born as individuals into these nations because they sinned against the Christian god before birth.
By the 4th c CE, this well-embraced racist rhetoric of early northern Aegean Christianity had metastasized into openly public anti-Jewish racism! St. Augustine encouraged the Roman enslavement of “the ungodly race of carnal Jews.” St. John Chrysostom taught that, because Jews rejected the Christian God in human flesh, we therefore deserved to be killed: “grew fit for slaughter,” because “Jews worship the devil… their religion a disease….” St. Jerome connected all Jews with Judas Iscariot and the immoral use of money: “Judas is cursed, that in Judas the Jews may be accursed… their prayers turn into sins.” Again, historical facts that never change: Hundred of thousands of Jews were enslaved by Romans and ferried to Roman cities and other Roman controlled diasporas, and the advent of Christianity, the first Colonizer religion upon this world, only made the localized Jewish plight now a worldwide systemic plight – no place anywhere upon this planet is safe for the Jews, simply for our existing, in any generation!

ALL these Christian invented racist tropes about “the Jews” are still being used to this very day by Christians, Muslims, and Marxists everywhere around this planet Earth to justify acts of ethnic-cleansing and physical violence towards Jews in this world (or anyone who is perceived as a Jew)! Each generation of Jews around this European-Arab colonized world experiences this racist hateful violence! These acts by Christians, Muslims, and Marxists are not the acts of fringe far-right and far-left groups, but the acts of fundamental Christian ideology itself as taught by the first European Christians to this entire world – and still taught in every generation!
Roman Christianity and all its denominational offshoots are what all Christian nations around this planet have physically and socially been built upon (literally, systemically and structurally) – ghettos were invented for “the Jews” first in Europe, then imported to “America” for the “blacks”! So long as Colonial European-Arab societies that have colonized in our appropriated Jewish names can pass the historic buck of racism onto fringe members of their supremacist societies, then they don’t have to be accountable for nor need to address systemic continued antisemitic racism and its 2.0 version, skin-color racism. Understand the problem for all Jews and people “of color”!
Oh, I know that you didn’t know this! Because Colonizer teachings supercede historical reality, yes? Here is a bit more historical facts that never change (and that a nobody like me wishes he could teach to the world to create human empathy and to bring societal accountability in order to heal this world!): The sect of Jews who were known as Nazarenes, who were the Jesus the Jew followers, really did believe in a Judean version of resurrection. Meaning, that their believed in “messiah” (aka, Zionist YHWH-blessed human overthrower of the Roman occupation) would actually resurrect from his grave in their lifetime and fulfill the anti-Colonial indigenous mission that he believed in. It didn’t happen, he was murdered by the Roman occupiers, and they kept writing! Whereas, the next generation later budding Christians of the Aegean north believed in a European version of reincarnation. Meaning, somehow a separable “soul” survives and reincarnates into a future generation, which is anathema to Torah teaching, that Jesus of Nazareth fully embraced.
I can’t fix this human world! I can’t even get humans around me to listen to historical facts! It’s not my responsibility to teach you all. It’s your responsibility to effing listen to those of us who see clearly. We ALL want to heal the human fractured world, but we humans have got to actually listen to each other. STOP TRYING TO SILENCE A MINORITY’S VOICE!!! The last I checked, Jews have never exceeded 20 million actual physical bodies at any time in human history. We are still 4 million shy from the last Shoah (Arab-European Holocaust upon our Judean people)! 75 years after WWII – and we are still not heard, unless we are naively Colonial supporting in this world and parroting Colonial caricatures about “the Jews”.
I don’t know how to reach this human world! Especially, not as a Jew by blood, whose blood has awakened (late in life).

Beware the “white” “black” (what I call “Mr Imhotep”) colonization of this planet Earth – by appropriation of ancient Egyptian Semitic culture. To this very day, Egyptians, Jews, and Persians reject this “white” “black” racist history revisionism of our lands of Egypt, Judea and Samaria, and Persia! We do NOT want your “white” “black” racist USA labeling for us, our cultures, and our lands – it is anti-Indigenous, meaning Semitic peoples erasing!
The ONLY purpose for “white” “black” labeling and appropriation of Semitic peoples’ cultures is to redefine our Indigenous Peoples of North Africa, the Levant, and Southwest Asia regions as being either “Europeans” or “Africans”. Take that USA racist “ISH” back to the United States that invented this modern “white” “black” skin-color racism!
It was European Southerners that invented the idea of the “white” race (16th century CE), which allowed them to indoctrinate their African slaves (stripped of all ancestral identity by physically oppressive violent raping force!) into the idea that they are a “black” race. Because of the nature and the extremeness of this social conditioning (indoctrination, as I call it) in the USA, those taught from birth that they are “black” are just as protective (if not more protective!) of this racial label, as those taught from birth that they are “white”. Thus, the present efforts being made by many “blacks” (aka, African “Americans”) to export this “black” identity racial label (and the “white” label, too!) to everywhere in this world.
I call this, doing the Colonizers’ work for them!!! What do I mean by this? The Egyptians were Semites that returned by migration from the Levant and Southwest Asia regions into North Africa, settled along the Nile, and built the Egyptian Empire just north of the Kushites (South African continent Indigenous Peoples). The Kushites near worshipped Egyptian culture and absorbed aspects of it into the civilization of Kush’s culture. Egyptians and Kushites were a relationship affair of love and hate between them – friendships and wars, enemies and allies.
No amount of USA “white” “black” anti-Indigenous racism to spread USA Colonial skin-color based historical revisionism and appropriation of Indigenous Peoples’ cultures will ever change, both, the actual history of North Africa and the Levant that is in the ground and the lived histories of the Semites known as Egyptians, Canaanites (Phonecians, Israelites/Judahites, Moabites, Edomites, and Ammonites), and Persians.
Hey, listen! USA skin-color dividers of humanity, stop trying to spread that uniquely European Christian anti-Indigenous racism into the rest of the world. We still surviving Indigenous Peoples of this world refuse to accept your Colonial racist Arab-European Colonizers’ “white” “black” labels for us. We will survive you – still unassimilated and still rejecting your Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx gods!
As I must say so often, Arab-European Colonizers and your successfully colonized for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx replacement of Egyptians, Jews, Kurds, Balochs, Igbos, Hindus, Pueblos, Cree, Navajo, Hawaiians, Maori, Sámi, and all other Indigenous Peoples(!) may now have the last words that you so desperately need to have. And this doesn’t change our lived realities as Egyptians, Jews, Kurds, Balochs, Hindus, etc, etc, etc(!) upon our lands and in the Arab-European colonized diasporas.
We non-racists and non-colonized peoples of this planet, Earth, would greatly appreciate your NOT trying to export that “white” “black” Colonial USA racism into the rest of this planetary world! There is already enough general human-born hatred and violence as it is, even without the European-Arab Colonial religious racisms for ruling possession of this planet Earth!
Like the Jewish people and the Persian people, Egyptians are and always have been a Semitic people! Neither “white” nor “black”!
Bring on the word vomits of history revisionisms(!), you all have my Indigenous permission here. We actual Indigenous Peoples of this world will survive you – still unassimilated and still rejecting your Colonial supersessions of our peoples. It’s not our Indigenous Peoples’ fault that you all continue to propagate and spread this anti-Indigenous racism around this world! We reject your racist supremacism – both in your words and in your physical acts, Colonizers for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon this planet Earth. There is room for non-Colonials, too – WITHOUT our being oppressed peoples!

A Colonizer is a Colonizer Regardless of Ancestry! Learn why Here!
A Taste of Israeli Politics – Jews Indigenous vs Jews colonized! – A battle between Jews Indigenous and Jews colonized for Israel’s future!
Jews need an Israeli “Constitution” based on the ways of Judea! – Learn about it, here!
Only Arabs and Europeans can End the Violence in Israel! – See Why Here – Enough said! So, prove us wrong.
I don’t know how to reach this “white” “black” world! Learn why Here!
Educate yourself on historical quotes and historical facts here on this page of History That Is Erased By Arab-European Colonizers!
Is Israel A Racist Supremacist Ethno-State? – Find out here, Now!
Indigenous Stories and Indigenous Ways – Learn some here!
Back to the Take On Me index page – Click Here.
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