רוב האנשים לא מבינים יהודים. ברצינות! רוב האנשים לא מבינים יהודים. העקשנות האנטי-קולוניאלית שלנו. צריך “חוקה” ישראלית המבוססת על דרכי יהודה!
Most people do not understand Jews. Seriously! Most people do not understand Jews. Our anti-Colonial stubbornness. We need an Israeli “Constitution” based on the ways of Judea!
Too many Indigenous Nations that have self-autonomy in this world try to emulate Colonial European structures of government. And this is always a strife for the people, under such governments, in doing so! What would an Indigenous Judean government look like? What would a real “democracy” look like? And how would this lead to Jewish preservation as a majority upon the land of Israel – and – peace and safety for Jews who live in the worldwide diasporas? … Even more so, how would such an example of Israeli Indigenous governance before the world bring real “democracy” freedoms to both still surviving Indigenous nations around this world and the still oppressed and formerly enslaved?
To answer this question, we must address the dual aspect of self-governance as a Jewish people of Israel: the structure of our people’s government, and the ancestral Constitution that already exists in ethno-religious “vassal treaty” form in our scroll of D’varim. The structures of European forms of governance is obviously lacking and socially divisive, and no Indigenous Nation upon this planet Earth should ever emulate their Colonial ways! Look what it is doing to Israel and to South “America” indigenous nations! We Jews preceded the existence of Christian Europe and Islamic Arabia and their colonization of the Middle East and have to our possession a truly moral and ethical form of governance in our ancient scroll of D’varim. It is time for the Jewish people to re-embrace our inherited Israeli “Constitution”!
The Indigenous Judean Government Structure
We Jews have an ancestral legend by which to model our present day partially decolonized, since 1948, national government upon – one that allows us to rid ourselves, as an Indigenous Judean people, of the Colonial European model that keeps our Jewish people ever divided and under the political, economic, and religious yoke of the Europeans and Arabs (the historic Christians, Muslims, and Marxists). The ancestral legend referred to is the story of Moshe, Miryam, and Aharon (the three BCE tribal leaders of Moses, Miriam, and Aaron).
In any true “democracy of the people,” an honest representation of the people in all levels of governance is a mandatory must! Else wise, this ruling “democracy” is a farce and a rule by minority few over the majority. Examples of faux democratic governments abound upon this planet worldwide, to include both the United Kingdom and the United States of “America” – the latter being a Republic, that allows it’s minorities to pretend that they are really represented and are able to change the U.S. Colonial structure (- LOL!).
A real democracy is an Indigenous “people’s democracy,” that is based in democratic socialism that honestly reflects and addresses the needs of the entire people – so that there IS “truth” and “peace” between citizens, knowing that this democracy is an honest reflection of the people’s will, even when some are still not satisfied with the present laws for social justice within the nation’s land. This is what our scroll of D’varim calls, poetically, a “nation of priests.” … Okay, so what does all this mean in a way that visually represents a government that is a “true” people’s democracy (what the scroll of D’varim seeks for the nation of Israel)?
This is where the model provided by the Judean story of Moshe, Miryam, and Aharon comes in to focus: Moshe, his sister Miryam, and his brother Aharon were the Jewish people’s first national leaders (“priest”-kings, to say this in a more BCE type of way). All three play a vital part in leading the Jewish people to becoming a nation upon the land of Israel. In this primordial Jewish government, we see the present day geographical division of Jews represented: Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi (includes Cochin, Ethiopian, and Asian Jews). We also see the governmental representation of male, female, and third gendered. Lastly, the temporary leprosy that came upon Miryam for questioning Moshe’s choice to marry outside the tribe, shows us a representation of non-Jewish citizens.
I know, as a Jew, I am obsessed with our Jewish stories and with our future! So, what would a modern Indigenous Judean government of the people of Israel look like at the national level? If we were not, as a people, still beholden to and clinging to the vestiges of several thousand years of Colonial governance upon us, though we have a third of our land now decolonized? This is what I, a simple Jew whose studied our people’s ways too much and never locking myself into a Colonial Arab-European encouraged “denomination” of self-understanding, have to say on this Jewish people matter:
An Indigenous Judean people’s government – aka, the Jewish Israeli people’s government for the land of Israel – is structured Indigenously in the following way: According to our pre-henotheistic, pre-2nd Temple period, pantheon model. Here me out, please! We Jews no longer need a “king” to rule us! What we need is a government that represents the Jewish people – all Jews throughout history – in a salient modern and relevant way. This is what we need, besides “Zionism” – also known as, “our indigenous Judean independence and self-determining self-sovereignty”!
Imagine with me, if you would: An Israeli government that is comprised of eight leaders, that must all mutually agree together on our “coalition,” as to our present and future laws, and as to our present and future actions as a decolonized people of Israel (all those who are legal citizens of Israel, regardless of ethnicity) – and – as in accordance with our Israeli … wait for it … Jewish Israeli Constitution upon the historic land of Israel! Now, imagine with me, the more specific details of this coalition! How do we Jews achieve this? (Hello? Torah examples anyone?!)
Of Ashkenazi leadership over the nation of Israel, two: male and female, with equal deciding opinions and power. Of Sephardi leadership over the nation of Israel, two: male and female, with equal deciding opinions and power. Of Mizrahi leadership over the nation of Israel, two: male and female, with equal deciding opinions and power. Of non-Jewish leadership over the nation of Israel, two: male and female, with equal deciding opinions and power. When all are in agreement, a law of Israel is upheld or is created! And it must fulfill the Indigenous Judean people’s D’varim inherited/inspired Constitution for the people of Israel!
From this, what do we need a Colonial invented “Supreme Court” for? To tell us, the Jewish people, what to do and what we cannot do?! Especially, as a people upon our ancestral land?! An Indigenous “Supreme Court” of the Land of Israel is not a rogue entity that is unfettered by Constitutional limitations (like what we’ve been seeing here in Israel for thirty years and seeing reemerge to “above the law” status in the United States). An Indigenous Judean national Court for the land of Israel serves one purpose only, and that purpose is to ensure that the laws made and national actions taken by Israel are not in violation of the Israeli Constitution (regardless the opinions and political wishes of nations outside the land!).
Religions are not an ethnicity and have no political power within an Indigenous Israeli governance. It is the people of Israel, the registered legal citizens, whose needs are represented by the Israeli government. Not the interests of religions, especially world colonizing/proselytizing religions! “Religious nationalism” is a Colonial Christian/Muslim sin that is replete, historically and presently, with “crimes against humanity” – and, very specifically, with crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide, to include the nation of Israel – towards those who are NOT of the ruling/supremacist religion. Even normative Judaism, the agrarian geography-based ethno-religion of the Jews, has no direct say in day-to-day governance of the people of Israel, under this Indigenous Judean system of governance. This is what the Israeli Constitution and the laws that advance and support the Israeli Constitution are for!

Part two on the way….
Inspiration comes with an honest and vulnerable relationship with our tribe’s “tree of life.” But a future comes with our tribe’s awareness that we are not the only tribe – hello, “tree” – in the forest of humanity. We must NOT reduce ourselves to being a reflection of the more aggressive species that invades our portion of this “humanity.” Rather, we must strive to grow through their Colonial vines and become what our soil demanded that we – our tree – be upon our land! … PART TWO
What would an Indigenous Judean government look like? What would a real “democracy” look like? And how would this lead to Jewish preservation as a majority upon the land of Israel – and – peace and safety for Jews who live in the worldwide Diasporas? … Even more so, how would such an example before the world bring real “democracy” freedoms to both still surviving Indigenous nations around this world and the still oppressed formerly enslaved?
To answer this question, we must address the dual aspect of self-governance as a Jewish people of Israel: the structure of our people’s government, and the ancestral Constitution that already exists in ethno-religious “vassal treaty” form in our scroll of D’varim.
In the previous post, I mentioned the structure of “the people’s” representative government. But, I left a few loose ends unaddressed. How long do these 8 national representatives serve? How do they get elected by the people? Who decides their agendas for them, each of them individually? How quickly can a representative be removed and replaced for not having the trust of the majority of the people that put him or her in the position of law making voice? What would this removal and replacement of representation look like?
What of special interest communities and their representations? Women’s only issues regarding their bodily autonomy (only the four women representatives of the people, out of the eight total, get to be on this law-making counsel)? Third gendered issues (LGBTQ and nonbinary) and their needs represented in government? Non-citizen residents and their right to fairness and justice? And how do we enforce these law making decisions – to ensure that “truth” and the setting of “peace” within our nation is a lived reality, not a “political talking point”? … The latter, political parties, which doesn’t exist in an Indigenous Judean people’s government to begin with, by Israeli Constitution design (politics is the method that Colonialists and supremacists use to keep the people divided and under their ruling control)!
All these questions must have an answer that is already in our Indigenous Judean people’s established Israeli Constitution. The same for the Courts of the land, which is the next subject to be addressed. What is the Constitutional role of the courts? How do judges get elected? How long do they serve? How easily and how quickly can a judge be removed when he/she has lost the trust of the majority of the citizens affected by his/her rulings?
The Indigenous Judean Government Structure – The Role of Courts
A separation of powers between courts and government is an absolute must in an Indigenous democracy! It is not the business of Courts to be making law nor amending law. The only power that the highest Court has over the government’s decisions is in nullifying laws made that violate the established Israeli constitution, and it must be the people of Israel – the citizens – who bring these cases to the Court, not corporates/NGOs, etc. The role of all Israeli courts is not to make laws, but to settle disputes and injustices between Israeli citizens, as empowered by the Israeli Constitution, in a way that brings social justice to both parties.
Like with the government system, it is the people of Israel who choose their judges through community/national elections. Each Court must have a male and a female judge and, when an issue is of special interest, the evidence established victim gets to choose the judge. Nationally, the national Court of the land of Israel reflects the government: Two, male and female, judges of Ashkenazi descent. Two, male and female, judges of Sephardi descent. Two, male and female, judges of Mizrahi descent. Two, male and female, judges of non-Jewish descent. Yet, unlike the government requirement that all representatives of the people agree unanimously to enact or un-enact a law, the national Court of the land of Israel only needs a majority ruling (5 out of 8) to render a national affecting decision for the benefit of “truth” and keeping the “peace” among the people, as allowed by the Israeli Constitution.

Part three on the way….
Inspiration comes with an honest and vulnerable relationship with our tribe’s “tree of life.” But a future comes with our tribe’s awareness that we are not the only tribe – hello, “tree” – in the forest of humanity. We must NOT reduce ourselves to being a reflection of the more aggressive species that invades our portion of this “humanity.” Rather, we must strive to grow through their Colonial vines and become what our soil demanded that we – our tree – be upon our land! … PART THREE
What would an Indigenous Judean government look like? What would a real “democracy” look like? And how would this lead to Jewish preservation as a majority upon the land of Israel – and – peace and safety for Jews who live in the worldwide Diasporas? … Even more so, how would such an example before the world bring real “democracy” freedoms to both still surviving Indigenous nations around this world and the still oppressed formerly enslaved?
To answer this question, we must address the dual aspect of self-governance as a Jewish people of Israel: the structure of our people’s government, and the ancestral Constitution that already exists in ethno-religious “vassal treaty” form in our scroll of D’varim.
In my previous two posts, I’ve touched upon what an Indigenous Judean people’s government can look like in its structure of governance. In a structure that ensures fairness and that weakens corruption, and that adheres to an Indigenous Judean people’s Constitution upon our land of Israel. All so that we Jews may finally be free of the Colonial Arab-European hold upon both the land of Israel and the people of Israel. Here’s the most important part, below, a Jewish indigenous people’s Constitution to govern our future as a fully decolonized, since 1948, people/nation of Israel.
The Indigenous Judean Constitution of Israel (based on D’varim, the first Indigenous Judean national scroll, formed after the first European Felishti [“Palestini”] and before the Arab Felishti [“Palestinian”] showed up in our lands to rule this region for us)
Citizens of the land of Israel will learn, teach, and refer to this Israeli Constitution in their daily lives. (D’varim 6:6-9)
Of the laws of this Israeli Constitution, citizens will not add laws to it nor subtract laws from it. All additional laws enacted or repealed are the laws of the elected representative government of Israel, and the Israeli national Court has the power to nullify only any laws made by the Israeli government that violates this Israeli Constitution. (D’varim 13.1)
Every middle school student citizen of Israel will write a personal copy of this entire Israeli Constitution as a class assignment in order to graduate. (D’varim 31.19)
Citizens of Israel will not create laws that enforce a particular religion’s morals or ideology upon all citizens of the nation of Israel – there will be one common law of the land for all citizens, indigenous and resident non-Indigenous, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity/”race,” or psychological identity. (D’varim 10:19)
Citizens of the nation of Israel will learn about and are encouraged to celebrate the seasonal agrarian ethno-religious Jewish festivals of the land of Israel, and these indigenous and established festivals days will ensure that mandatory “no work” days are not infringed upon – except in wherein national defense of the nation of Israel is called upon the citizens. (D’varim 16:19)
Every citizen of the nation of Israel has a Constitutional right and duty to vote in Israeli elections when of legal voting age, will be automatically enrolled to vote, and this right will not be disenfranchised in any form for political/personal gain. (D’varim 10:19)
Every citizen of the nation of Israel will have a sufficient basic assistance that ensures no citizen of Israel is in destitute poverty, so as to not be able to feed, clothe, provide housing for, and/or provide medical assistance for him/her-self and, if applicable, his/her family of dependents who are unable to support themselves. (D’varim 15:4-15)
Only Y-HWH is the recognized god of the land of Israel and, if in doubt of Y-HWH’s existence, it is an obligation to be a Jewish atheist than to have the gods of other peoples before you. (D’varim 5:6-9)
Citizens of the nation of Israel will not speak, read, or write the name Y-HWH in vain (indigenous defunct law, due to the fact that know one knows how to pronounce/spell this name). (D’varim 5:11)
All citizens of Israel, legal and illegal, and all domesticated planetary species used for work, for sustenance, or for profit must be given a day of complete rest from work every seventh day of their week. (D’varim 5:12-15)
Canaanite Hebrew is the official language of the nation of Israel. (D’varim 31:19)
All public restaurants in the nation of Israel will observe the dietary standards of Kashrut, and the strictness of each establishment’s compliance will be publicly displayed. (D’varim 12,14,22)
Citizens of Israel, both legal and illegal, will not murder (illegally kill), will not commit adultery (have clandestine sex with a married woman or man), will not steal nor kidnap, and will not bear false legal witness against citizens of Israel. (D’varim 5:17)
Children from bar/bat mitzvah age and older will not slander (utter/file false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage the reputation of) their parents. (D’varim 5:16)
Every citizen of Israel, legal and illegal, will be paid a “living wage” for full time work (a wage third more than equal to or, preferably, far above what is the monetary worth of basic assistance), payment for work rendered is due at agreed upon time of payment, and accurate scales and weights will be used by all citizens. (D’varim 23,24)
Citizens of the nation of Israel will appoint by elections court judges and government office officials in every community of the nation of Israel to ensure that national “truth” and the setting of “peace” between citizens and that the needs of the citizens will be met, every judge and official elected throughout the nation of Israel may be removed from their position at any time by a majority vote of the affected citizens when citizen trust is lost. (D’varim 16:18)
The citizens of the nation of Israel will not pervert justice, by enticing elected judges and officials to show favoritism or to take a bribe for this, for “bribery blinds the eyes of the wise and perverts just words. Justice, justice shall you pursue,” that you may live in as a citizen and remain obligatory to the land and nation of Israel – be warned corrupters of society. (D’varim 16:19-20)
All citizens of Israel will actively protect Jewish waters and agricultural sovereignty and the land of Israel’s sustainability for the future generations of the nation of Israel, every seventh year of the harvesting cycle will be a shemitah (rest of the land/waters) year, citizens who rely on land/waters for their income will be compensated one year’s income plus ten percent by the people of Israel for observing their shemitah year. (D’varim 15:2-9)
Loans made between citizens in the nation of Israel will have no interest applied to repayment of sums that are owed, so that debt poverty by interest does not consume the economy of the nation of Israel, and loans made to individuals, corporations, NGOs that are not citizens of the nation of Israel will have interest applied. (D’varim 5:18,23:20)
Every citizen of the nation of Israel will give their portion of income taxes to the citizen’s nation of Israel, in proportional accordance with their yearly income level, so that basic assistance is applied to all legal citizens and to helping illegal citizens who are presently in the nation of Israel, to support an indigenous Jewish nation that does not allow destitute poverty to exist within our borders – so that we be a light for the surrounding nations. (D’varim 18:4, Sh’mot 19:6 “a kingdom of princes and a sanctified nation”)
The Jewish citizens of the nation of Israel have an Indigenous Judean inherited right, as the legitimate descendants of the land of Israel according to our people’s halachot, to administer all religious affairs upon every portion of the land of Israel that we retain indigenous sovereignty upon, to include the Temple Mount portions of the land of Israel and the Arab “Palestinian” occupied portions of the land of Israel known as the “West Bank” and Gaza. (D’varim 12:12-14)
The Jewish citizens of the nation of Israel will administer ruling governance over all the areas of the nation of Israel that has religious attachments for all religions that claim our Jewish people’s ancestors and ancestral literatures as their own through historic appropriation.
(D’varim 12:12-14)
The Jewish citizens of the nation of Israel will protect existing religious structures pre-dating our 1948 decolonization and Independence from Colonial European and Colonial Arab rule of the land of Israel, along with all legally established structures formed by religions that exists within the nation of Israel and, if at some point a third temple in the form of a national synagogue were to be built, to build this synagogue next to the pre-1948 constructed al-Aqsa mosque upon the Jewish Temple Mount. (D’varim 12:12-14)
All citizens of legal age of the nation of Israel, regardless of ancestry, will support the Israeli Defense Forces’ national defense of the nation of Israel, to include serving in the IDF, citizens will not wilfully destroy fruit bearing trees and will not commit acts of rape. (D’varim 20:19-20,21:10-14)
Any Indigenous nation that adopts this model of government for their people is literally more Jewish than present day Israel! A Colonial version of “democracy” exists only to keep Colonial supremacy in power! It exists to keep the subjugated and victimized minorities ever hoping that somehow they can change the system from within, even though they don’t have the systemic structural power to do so. It doesn’t matter if it’s Christian, Muslim, or Marxism created – it is the Colonial same! In other words, present day Israel,…
Yes, it’s Colonial complicated. The Jews are the Indigenous population who were forced to forcibly decolonize a third of our ancestral land in 1948 for literal survival (took us two decades of fighting the British-Arab occupiers), and the Arabs-Europeans have always been the foreign settler-occupiers upon the land of Israel pushing their Colonial rule and supremacy upon all residents of our Jewish ancestral land.
And the United Arab-European Colonial Nations (the UN) for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon every Indigenous Peoples’ land around this planet ensures that the regional conflict between indigenous Jews of Israel and Colonial “Palestinians” never comes to an end. What would such a future say to all other Indigenous Nations struggling for their Zionism upon their ancestral lands (Kurds, Assyrians, Pueblo, Navajo, Hawaiians, etc) if Israel actually won uncontested true Independence upon the land of Israel?!

A Colonizer is a Colonizer Regardless of Ancestry! Learn why Here!
A Taste of Israeli Politics – Jews Indigenous vs Jews colonized! – A battle between Jews Indigenous and Jews colonized for Israel’s future!
Jews need an Israeli “Constitution” based on the ways of Judea! – Learn about it, here!
Only Arabs and Europeans can End the Violence in Israel! – See Why Here – Enough said! So, prove us wrong.
I don’t know how to reach this “white” “black” world! Learn why Here!
Educate yourself on historical quotes and historical facts here on this page of History That Is Erased By Arab-European Colonizers!
Is Israel A Racist Supremacist Ethno-State? – Find out here, Now!
Indigenous Stories and Indigenous Ways – Learn some here!
Back to the Take On Me index page – Click Here.
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