If you are a “Palestinian” Arab instead of an Israeli Arab, then you are a Colonial occupier upon the Land of Israel. An Israeli Arab is an actual citizen of Israel, “Palestinians” are Colonial land-squatters! The only occupiers anywhere in historic Israel (Judea, Samaria, and the northern half of “Jordan”) are the non-citizen Arab Muslim/Marxists and European Christians who are occupying the land of Israel for Colonial Allah and Colonial Christ (aka, the “Palestinians”), full stop!

The names of “Palestine” and “West Bank” are names given to present Arab occupied parts of our 1948 decolonized Indigenous Judean land – by the historic European and Arab Felishti (“Palestinians”). Lying about history to justify your continued occupations of Jewish ancestral land does not erase the easily verifiable lived historical facts of the land, Arab-European Colonizers. The violence towards occupiers will stop, when you Arab and European Colonizers start respecting Indigenous Peoples’ lands! We don’t want to be you!
Throughout our entire history as the Jewish people, the very idea that we can live in peace with the Arab-European Colonizers of our land has never proven true, ever. Why? Because the Colonizer doesn’t actually want peace with Indigenous Peoples, they want possession and ownership of lands! They want this false equivalency thing that they call a democracy – a “democratic” union of governance between the occupied Indigenous minority (we Jews, in our case) and the occupying Arab-European majority (the Arab-European “Palestinian” settlers). The only kind of Jews that Colonial Arab-European societies respect are Jews who are willingly complicit in and supportive of our ancestral land remaining Arab and European colonized! Jews who are truly anti-Colonial, who truly resist this Christian, Muslim, and Marxist inspired Arab-European occupation of our land (to deny us our real self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land), are deemed racists and fanatics/extremists for desiring our people’s actual self-autonomy – and safety from historic Arab and European antisemitism!
Tell me, peaceful Christians and Muslims, do you actively and publicly denounce Arab-European Colonialism for Allah-Christ-Marx crimes of settler-occupation and genocides against Indigenous humanity, seeking the accountability for these Colonial crimes and the decolonization (the Zionism) of Indigenous nations worldwide, to include Israel? If you are not doing this, then you are not a real ally for the Jewish people – for you have a Christian-Muslim Colonial agenda in your heart! It’s too easy for you Arab-European Colonizers of planet Earth to do the righteous thing for once. It’s just too easy for you Christians and Muslims of planet Earth to be a *real ally* for the Jewish people for once!
In 1948, we MENA Jews forcibly and successfully decolonized a third of the land of Israel from British-Arab Colonial occupation of our land and, for this, the UN – the United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide – has politically and financially supported the daily post-1948 Arab “Palestinian” settler-occupation of our decolonized portion of the land of Israel. Somehow, Jews even in Israel are expected to physically live with Arab-European Colonizers who want our return to victimize-able dhimmi/ghetto status under Arab-European Colonial rule. So we are the villains for fighting and punching up to continued Arab-European colonization upon our ancestral land – that is meant to deny us freedom, safety, and self-autonomy!
So, tell me, peaceful Christians and Muslims, what are you actively doing and how are you publicly denouncing Arab-European Colonialism for Allah-Christ-Marx crimes of settler-occupation and genocide against Indigenous humanity, seeking the accountability for these Colonial crimes and the decolonization (the Zionism) of Indigenous nations? If you are not doing this, then you are not a real ally for the Jewish people – for you have a Christian-Muslim Colonial agenda in your heart! Both Christianity and Islam are inherently anti-Indigenous, and every Indigenous People still resisting assimilation upon this planet Earth are inherently anti-Colonial, to include the Jewish people of Israel! We Jews, Kurds, Balochs, Igbos, Sámi, Pueblos, Cree, Navajo, Lakota, Wampanoag, Hawaiians, Maori, etc, etc, etc(!) will historically survive you, no matter how long this takes, still unassimilated and still rejecting your Colonial Arab-European gods and governments created for us!

The USA and UN pretend daily that Jews Indigenous to the Middle East are the violent Colonialists doing the occupying of Jewish ancestral land! All for our choosing to defend our Jewish land from Arab Islam and European Christian colonization upon eretz yisrael! To be anti-Colonial and pro-Indigenous sovereignty is an evil sin in the eyes of Christianity, Islam, and Marxism! The Indigenous must share their land with the historic Colonizers, right?!
(Text from the snapshot above) UMM SAFA, West Bank, June 24 (Reuters) – A Palestinian militant opened fire at a checkpoint in the occupied West Bank on Saturday before he was shot dead by forces at the scene, Israel’s police said, with settlers later setting fire to houses in a nearby Palestinian village.
Police said a security guard was wounded in the attack at Qalandia checkpoint and distributed a photo of an M-16 rifle used by the gunman who was claimed by Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, an armed group associated with Palestinian President (for Life) Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party.
A few hours later, Israeli settlers torched at least two houses in the Palestinian village Umm Safa near Ramallah, residents said. No casualties were reported.
Israel’s military said one Israeli suspect was arrested after the violence, adding that forces would be boosted to stop further incidents, which it designated as terrorism. Defence Minister Yoav Gallant also condemned the settlers’ assault.

New York Times – thinks like a Colonizer, prints news like a Colonizer! Of course, fellow Arab Colonizers are the “defiant” ones, rather than the occupying anti-Indigenous terrorists. We at the NYT can’t be showing support for the actual Indigenous people of the land, who forcibly decolonized in 1948. You know, those pesky anti-Colonial Jews of the Land of Israel, Judea and Samaria! The ones who survived the Arab and European multi-continent Shoah of extinction for our kind.

This is how old our ritual of turning death into life with a toast of wine, with poetic liturgy, with … we Jews are the last of the Canaanite peoples and we remain true to form in our Canaanite Hebrew language, our preservation of ancestral literatures, and our cultural ethno-religious rituals!
“From wine to opium, it looks like the ancient Canaanites knew how to throw a party – especially when the shindig involved seeing off their dearly departed on a journey into the afterlife.
A chemical study of Bronze Age ceramic vessels found in tombs at Megiddo – an ancient city in northern Israel also known as Armageddon – has turned up compounds compatible with wine, suggesting the drink played an important role in the funerary rites of the site’s inhabitants.
The study, published this month in the journal Archaeometry, adds to recent research from a different site in Israel which showed the presence of opium in grave offerings, offering rare insight into the culture and belief system of the ancient inhabitants of Canaan – long before the Israelites became a thing or the Bible was written.” – Ariel David, Haaretz, May 25, 2023
L’chaim! | Ancient Canaanites at Megiddo Raised a Glass to the Dead, Archaeologists Find
Analysis of 3,500-year-old pottery found in tombs at the site of Armageddon reveals the Canaanites made wine offerings for their dearly departed – even for newborns

Just a reminder to all Arab and European history revisionists: All residents of “Palestine” occupied by Arab colonialists know that Islamic Apartheid exists to keep the indigenous Jews away from al-Aqsa Mosque. This is the only Apartheid in the Land of Israel! Historical facts really are important.

We Jews need to fully decolonize our Jewish minds and our land! We need to break the yoke of Arab-European Colonialism in the forms of UN supported Jordanian settler-occupation and Muslim Apartheid upon the land of Israel – which is meant to keep Israelis subjugated and a puppet nation under the influenced ruled of the politics of Arab-European Colonizers for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands.
Why do Christian, Muslim, and Marxist Colonizers continue their occupation of the Land of Israel to this very day? Because, if Israel truly wins our full Jewish decolonization of our ancestral land, then the Arab-European Colonial Nations will lose their impunity for their historic and present crimes against Indigenous humanity worldwide! It is time for this to happen, in our lifetime!
A Colonizer is a Colonizer Regardless of Ancestry! Learn why Here!
A Taste of Israeli Politics – Jews Indigenous vs Jews colonized! – A battle between Jews Indigenous and Jews colonized for Israel’s future!
Jews need an Israeli “Constitution” based on the ways of Judea! – Learn about it, here!
Only Arabs and Europeans can End the Violence in Israel! – See Why Here – Enough said! So, prove us wrong.
I don’t know how to reach this “white” “black” world! Learn why Here!
Educate yourself on historical quotes and historical facts here on this page of History That Is Erased By Arab-European Colonizers!
Is Israel A Racist Supremacist Ethno-State? – Find out here, Now!
Indigenous Stories and Indigenous Ways – Learn some here!
Back to the Take On Me index page – Click Here.
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