I will show you how to respond to online racist anti-indigenous antisemitic comments, posts, narratives, propaganda, history revisionism, and outright lies! The only thing that I ask in return is that you learn to do the same on every social media platform that you visit!
[Note: Just scrolling through the pages of this website alone will give you an education! But, we need activism even more than education at this point in history! So, get studying – both the navigation link for this web site and the web pages that are included within!]

Racism, including its originating form of antisemitism, is a mental disease that is socially structurally inherited from birth for most privileged peoples. And, worse, there is no cure for racism, once a human is successfully indoctrinated into racism – which includes antisemitism (aka, anti-Indigenous-ism). Believe me, for I’ve tried to find the cure for decades! Only prevention from becoming a racist/antisemite is the answer to ending all forms of racism upon this planet, Earth.
For a decade now, I’ve been trying to help human beings to not fight with racists/antisemites but, rather, to use them as a means to reach those not yet indoctrinated – so that we can end this curse of Christian-Muslim racism (now Marxism, too) that plagues the future of all humanity upon our precious planet, Earth!
For the sake of שלום shalom and תיקון עולם tikun olam (repairing of this world), I implore you to become proactive on every Arab-European-Persian Colonial social media platform with these words….

Believe me, because I (too!) am trapped in this societal structured Arab-European Colonial game of land supremacy, economics, and politics (settler-occupational control over socially erased Indigenous Peoples and, with their Colonizers’ social megaphones, systemic economic and judicial oppression of minorities!). Further, I so wish that I knew how to make a financial living doing what I do online without relating my life efforts to the value of Arab-European currencies in this world (all self-sovereign or semi-self-sovereign Indigenous Peoples’ plight in this modern world)!
For those needing the education, the very definition of Zionism is: anti-Colonial indigenous Jewish people freedom from the yoke of Arab-European Colonialism and our fully decolonized Independence and self-determining Sovereignty upon our ancestral land of Israel! So, again…
For the sake of שלום shalom and תיקון עולם tikun olam (repairing of this world), I implore you to become proactive on every Arab-European-Persian Colonial SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM with these words(!)… Those with Colonial-free post-economic ideas in mind – and/or – those with good webmaster and networking skills, GET IN TOUCH, please – for I am listening!

In summary: There has always been enough planet Earth for everyone, if only we learned as human beings to live socially democratically and sustainably. There is room on this planet Earth for both the Arab-European Colonizers’ nations and the anti-Colonial Indigenous Peoples’ nations – who are still surviving, despite Christian-Muslim-Marxist colonization of this planet Earth! We only want our self-sovereignty upon a portion of our ancestral lands, free from Colonial Arab-European violence, manipulation, and systemic structural oppressions! And this social justice starts with the Jewish people of Israel. My Facebook profile is Yosef ibn Yehuda.
Who am I? Just one of 15.2 million Jews who are Indigenous to the Land of Israel, Judea and Samaria and the northern half of present day “Jordan”. Who do I advocate for? All the Jews who are Jewish by our Indigenous Judean-orignating halacha – especially for Jews who are indigenous to Judea-Samaria, Southwest Asia,the Middle East, and North Africa – and all Jews born in diaspora who have not been properly deemed Jewish in a legitimate halachic Jewish community’s beit din! This website here is our expression of the need to actually be heard and represented in this Arab-European / Christian-Muslim-Marxist colonized world of the “A.D.” CE period of human history upon this planet Earth. We deserve having our voices heard in social media!

If you want to reach me directly: Look up my profile on FB Messenger and reach out! I will only respond to Jewish allies – whether Jewish or not-Jewish. So, Arab-European Colonizers, don’t waste your time (I’m not interested in your Colonial hate speech!). … Further, if you’re now on Instagram Threads, you’ll find me here, too!

Whoever saves a life in 500 characters or less saves the world! … The purpose of this @yosefibnyehuda Threads account, advocating for Indigenous Peoples’ survival and our voices heard in social media.
For those not tired by what I have to say to this human world, go to the next page of this introduction … We Jews Who Are Indigenous Just Want A Worldwide Voice! AND WE WILL SHOW YOU WHY HERE(?)!
Or, if already knowing what you are looking for, seek out these following page/post links …
Whose Responsibility Is It – Jew or Arab-European? Who is the real victim? Click Here and Respond with an Indigenous Judean narrative online!!
The great Arab history Replacement Lie and How to Respond to It, Here!
A Colonizer is a Colonizer Regardless of Ancestry! Learn why Here!
A Taste of Israeli Politics – Jews Indigenous vs Jews colonized! – A battle between Jews Indigenous and Jews colonized for Israel’s future!
I don’t know how to reach this “white” “black” world! Learn why Here!
Colonial Nation Flags of the 20th and Present 21st Centuries – See which countries are Colonizers on Indigenous lands!
Educate yourself on historical quotes and historical facts here on this page of History That Is Erased By Arab-European Colonizers!
Jews need an Israeli “Constitution” based on the ways of Judea! – Learn about it, here!
Only Arabs and Europeans can End the Violence in Israel! – See Why Here – Enough said! So, prove us wrong.
The Lost Tribes of Israel Were NOT Scattered Around Planet Earth! – Learn Here – Enough with this ahistorical lie, already!
Torah Words Matter, Stop The Lies! – Learn Here – The difference between Christian interpretive translations and what Torah literally says in our Canaanite Hebrew!
Back to the Take On Me index page – Click Here.
REMEMBER, THERE ARE MORE PAGES THAN EVEN *THIS* ON THIS WEBSITE! Check out the *Navigation bar*, too, for further pages *and* posts! And, ABOVE ALL, share, share, share with *others*!