This quote shared below is the Arab history replacement lie that erases the indigenous nature of Jews, Kurds, Balochs, etc, in the Levant and Southwest Asia regions. It is important to hear it in order to understand its inherently racist Colonial undertones (then I will correct it!) – and, yes, colonialism is both an Arab and European crime against Indigenous humanity worldwide (a crime against Jews Indigenous to the Land of Israel!):
عربي English
“كلا ، لا تكن حزينا لاجلي .. ايها المدعي بأنك إبن المنطقة.. العرب الكنعانيين هم اول من سكن تلك المنطقة و هذا بجميع كتب التاريخ التي تتحدث عن تاريخ هذه المنطقة ..
الكنعانيين هم اجداد الفلسطينيين..
فلسطين اسم ارامي اطلقه الاراميين على المنطقة و ليس الفلسطينيين من فعلوا و كان ذلك قبل الميلاد بكثير من السنوات ..اليهود كانوا ٣٪ فقط من سكان تلك المنطقة ..
من اطلق على اجدادك اليهود فلسطين.. يسمون يهود بسبب دولة يهودا التي بمالناسبة كانت دولة استعمارية أيضاً
فعلا الحرية تبدأ بالتعلم ..”
Translated: “No, don’t be sad for me, O you who claim that you are the son of the region.. The Canaanite Arabs were the first to inhabit that region, and this is in all the history books that talk about the history of this region..
The Canaanites are the ancestors of the Philistines.
Palestine is an Aramaic name given to the region by the Arameans, not the Palestinians, and that was many years before Christ. The Jews were only 3% of the population of that region.
Who called your ancestors the Jews Palestine? They are called Jews because of the state of Judea, which, by the way, was also a colonial state.
Indeed, freedom begins with learning.”

Here’s how you respond to such a racist Arab-European history erasure and revisionism in order to justify their Arab-European Colonial atrocities – their Arab-European crimes against Indigenous humanity – in this world!:
كان الكنعانيون وقت كتابة التوراة هم الموآبيون والأدوميون والإسرائيليون واليهود والفينيقيون. أطلق اليهود على الفينيقيين اسم «الكنعانيون». تحدث جميع الشعوب الكنعانية الخمسة لغة كنعانية. لقد فهموا جميعًا بعضهم البعض! لم يفهم أي منهم اللغة العربية ، لأنه لم يكن هناك إسلام بعد يحاول استعمار أراضي الكنعانيين! لا يزال يهود اليوم يتحدثون لغتنا الكنعانية ، العبرية. اليهود هم آخر الكنعانيين المتبقين على هذا الكوكب. نرفض استيعاب ونرفض من يحتلنا ويقتلنا! كان الفلسطينيون غزاة أوروبيين لا يختلفون عن الفلسطينيين العرب اليوم. … أيها العنصريون ، خلق التاريخ الزائف لا يحل محل التاريخ! نحن اليهود نعرف تاريخ شعبنا الكنعاني!
The Canaanites of Torah writing days were the Moabites, the Edomites, the Israelites and Judahites, and the Phonecians. The Jews called Phonecians “Canaanites.” All five Canaanite peoples spoke a Canaanite language. They all understood each other! None of them understood Arabic language, because there was no Islam yet trying to colonize Canaanite lands! Today’s Jews still speak our Canaanite language, Hebrew. Jews are the last surviving Canaanites on this planet. We refuse to assimilate and we refuse those who occupy and murderer us! The Palestinians were European invaders, no different than the Arab Palestinians today. … Racists, creating fake history does not replace history! We Jews know our Canaanite people’s history!
Here is another example of racist antisemitic erasure and history revisionism – that keeps terrorism inflicted upon Jews alive and well in this world, because this fake supremacist history is systemically taught by Arab and Europeans to Arabs and Europeans (which is why we *must* correct these Arab history Replacement lies online and in person, for antisemitism and terrorism inflicted upon Jews to end!):
“يا صهيوني انت سارق هذه الاراض.
يهود من قبل كان يعيشون في اوروبا وامريكا لكن فكرت إن تؤسس دولة خاصة باليهود.
فقررت ذهاب إلي فلسطين فسرقتم بعض الاراضي الموجودة في فلسطين.
مهما فعلت وقتلتم العالم كله يعرف فلسطين .
ويرفعون علم فلسطين في كل مكان فهي ستاتي يوم تكون حرة ❤️
ودليل في ذلك ورد في القرآن الكريم في سورة الاسراء”
Translated: “O Zionist, you are the thief of these lands.
Jews used to live in Europe and America, but I thought of establishing a state for Jews.
So I decided to go to Palestine, so you stole some of the land in Palestine.
Whatever you did and killed, the whole world knows Palestine.
And they raise the flag of Palestine everywhere, for it will come one day when it will be free ❤️
Evidence for this is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in Surat Al-Isra”

Here’s how you respond to such a racist Arab-European history erasure and revisionism in order to justify their Arab-European Colonial atrocities – their Arab-European crimes against Indigenous humanity – in this world!:
أعطيتك حقائق تاريخية يمكن التحقق منها بسهولة! شاهد العنصريين العرب والأوروبيين وهم يخدعون أنفسهم وهم يحاولون تعليم اليهود تاريخًا زائفًا. تاريخ زائف لليهود الذين هم السكان الأصليون ليهودا والسامرة! مرح! العنصريون لا يستمعون ، إنهم يكذبون فقط!
I gave you easily verifiable historical facts! Watch racist Arabs and Europeans make fools of themselves trying to teach fake history to Jews. False history for the Jews who are Indigenous to Judea and Samaria! Hilarious! Racists do not listen, only lie!
And what Arab and European racists by systemic Colonial education will try to do next is: They will try to belittle you with their claim that their superior knowledge is from a book (one of our ancestral books, one of their Arab-European Colonial history revisionism books), for example:
“هذا مكتوب في الكتب .. لم اتي بشيء من خيالي .. انت فقط لا يعجبك ذلك ..
إذا انت تنكر ان التوراة يقول انه يجب عليكم إبادة الكنعانيين .. و انت مصر على انك كنعاني 😂”
Translated: “It’s written in the books. I didn’t come up with anything from my imagination. You just don’t like it.
If you deny that the Torah says that you must exterminate the Canaanites… and you insist that you are a Canaanite 😂”

This is how you respond to determined antisemites spouting their educated superiority over your lived Indigenous knowledge:
تثاؤب! ردودك الجاهلة مملة للغاية! …
كتبك عربية وأوروبية! إنها مليئة بالأكاذيب الاستعمارية. فقط لأن الكذبة مكتوبة في كتاب ، فهذا لا يجعلها حقيقة. العنصرية مرض استعماري عربي وأوروبي. لا أستطيع أن أعالجك! حزين جدا!
العرب والأوروبيون لا يطلبون من اليهود شرح الكتب اليهودية! قل لنا ما يقولون لتبرير الاحتلال الاستعماري والعنصرية.
Yawn! Your ignorant replies are so boring! …
Your books are Arab and European written! They are filled with Colonial lies. Just because a lie is written in a book, this does not make it true. Racism is an Arab Colonial and European Colonial disease. I cannot cure you! So sad!
Arabs and Europeans don’t ask Jews to explain Jewish books! You tell us what they say, so that it justifies Colonial occupations and racism.
Real facts create empathy, but only when we victims are bold enough to confront our oppressors – without capitulation! We have to break the cycle, by boldly countering and correcting the lying narratives about Jews and all other Arab-European Colonial victims on this planet Earth!

If Israel is recognized as an Indigenous nation defending our ancestral land (by the UN), then how many other Indigenous nations will do as Israel did (fight successfully and resolutely for Independence)?
إصلاح الروايات الاجتماعية! عرب إسرائيل ليسوا «فلسطينيين» ، إنهم مواطنون إسرائيليون. «الفلسطينيون» العرب ليسوا مواطنين في إسرائيل ، إنهم المحتلون العرب لما بعد 1948 لأرض إسرائيل. اليهود هم السكان الأصليون لأرض إسرائيل. الأجانب فقط هم من يطلقون على أرض إسرائيل «فلسطين»! اللغة العربية الاستعمارية ليست لغة السكان الأصليين في بلاد الشام. أولئك الذين يتحدثون لغة كنعانية (أو آرامية) هم السكان الأصليون في يهودا والسامرة. يتحدث اليهود العبرية الكنعانية ، سواء في أرض إسرائيل أو في الشتات الذي يحتله العرب والأوروبيون. الصدق هو السبيل الوحيد للسلام! احترموا ارض اسرائيل! علم المستعمر العربي -> 🇵🇸
תקן את הנרטיבים החברתיים! ערביי ישראל אינם “פלסטינים”, הם אזרחים ישראלים. “פלסטינים” ערבים אינם אזרחי ישראל, הם כובשים ערבים של ארץ ישראל לאחר 1948. היהודים הם העם הילידי של ארץ ישראל. רק זרים קוראים לארץ ישראל “פלסטין”! ערבית קולוניאלית אינה שפה ילידית של הלבנט. דוברי שפה כנענית (או ארמית) הם ילידי יהודה ושומרון. יהודים מדברים עברית כנענית, הן בארץ ישראל והן בפזורה שהתנחלה על ידי ערבים ואירופים. כנות היא הדרך היחידה לשלום! כבד את ארץ ישראל! דגל המתנחלים הערבי -> 🇵🇸
Fix the social narratives! Israeli Arabs are not “Palestinians”, they are Israeli citizens. Arab “Palestinians” are not citizens of Israel, they are post-1948 Arab occupiers of land of Israel. Jews are the Indigenous People of the land of Israel. Only foreigners call the land of Israel “Palestine”! Colonial Arabic is not an Indigenous language of the Levant. Those who speak a Canaanite language (or Aramaic) are Indigenous to Judea and Samaria. Jews speak Canaanite Hebrew, both on the land of Israel and in the diasporas that Arabs and Europeans colonized. Honesty is the only path to peace! Respect the land of Israel! The flag of the Arab colonizer -> 🇵🇸
Facts: It was MENA Jews that restored the agricultural and waters sovereignty of the Jewish people upon the land of Israel in the 1800’s Ottoman period. It was Arabs with British and French support who re-colonized the Levant and Southwest Asia in response to our MENA Jewish achievements. It was MENA Jews that fought this British-Arab post-WWI occupation of the land of Israel, for two decades, until we won our Independence. It was surrounding UN (United Arab-European Colonial Nations) established nations that waged a 10 month siege upon Israel for declaring Independence, deliberately displacing half the Arab migrant population that had settled upon the land of Israel during the British Mandate occupation period. The other half of the Arab migrants that the attacking Arab nations could not scare off the land of Israel became Israeli citizens, and their descendants are proudly serving in the Israel Defense Forces even today. It was Jordan and Egypt that occupied the land of Israel for 18 years (what Jordan named the “West Bank”, East Jerusalem, and Gaza) after their Arab war of conquest to eliminate the decolonized indigenous nation of Israel, this occupation lasted from 1948 to 1967. It was the KGB that invented the PLO and the “Palestinian people” in Moscow in 1964, and it was the KGB that was the propagator of anti-Jewish “Palestinian” resolutions in the UN (United Arab-European Colonial Nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands), because antisemitism is a worldwide systemic problem!
If Israel is recognized as an Indigenous nation defending our ancestral land, then how many other Indigenous nations will do as Israel did (fight successfully and resolutely for Independence)? Give us one concrete scientific proof, please, that it was not an Arab terrorist that shot and killed Shireen Abu Akleh. Why was the bullet that wounded Ali al-Samoudi never examined? And, hey, Israel: Stop assuming the blame to appease the historic Arab-European Colonizers of the land of Israel! Stop capitulating for a peace with Colonial Arab-Europeans that is NEVER going to come along with Israel still existing as an Independent decolonized nation! It is time for Israel to fully decolonize the entire land of Israel, not just the one-third of our land that we successfully decolonized in 1948. … And, successfully colonized USA Jews, when are you going to show such solidarity and support for the 850,000 Jewish refugees from all the Arab occupied lands, who were violently expelled to Israel (most of them) and the USA? You know, the kind of concern like you have for “Palestinian” non-citizens occupying the land of Israel? Look up JIMENA and learn Jewish history, please!!
Snapshot: Indigenous Resistance requires punching up to Colonial manipulation and aggression! The land of Israel is the same size as Taiwan or the State of New Jersey (it’s smaller than Lake Michigan!). But, 2.4 *billion* European-ish Christians and 1.9 *billion* Arabized Muslims demand that Israel’s 9.7 million legal citizens (Jews, Arabs, Druze, Bedouin, Africans, and Europeans) share the land of Israel with 14.7 million non-citizen Arab “Palestinian” land-squatters, who occupy the land to deny Israel’s self-determining existence and safety. Only the land of Israel has this double Colonial (Arab and European) oppression upon her!
It is not the Jewish people’s responsibility to give up our indigenous sovereignty upon our ancestral land, because Arabs created a refugee problem during their occupation of land-grabbed portions of our ancestral land (1948-1967 Jordan and Egypt occupations). It is not the responsibility of Israel to settle the later UN (United Arab-European Colonial Nations) created Arab “eternal” refugees (UNRWA) upon the land of Israel, they are not refugees!
A Colonizer is a Colonizer Regardless of Ancestry! Learn why Here!
A Taste of Israeli Politics – Jews Indigenous vs Jews colonized! – A battle between Jews Indigenous and Jews colonized for Israel’s future!
Jews need an Israeli “Constitution” based on the ways of Judea! – Learn about it, here!
Only Arabs and Europeans can End the Violence in Israel! – See Why Here – Enough said! So, prove us wrong.
I don’t know how to reach this “white” “black” world! Learn why Here!
Educate yourself on historical quotes and historical facts here on this page of History That Is Erased By Arab-European Colonizers!
Is Israel A Racist Supremacist Ethno-State? – Find out here, Now!
Indigenous Stories and Indigenous Ways – Learn some here!
Back to the Take On Me index page – Click Here.
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