Here is the history of the Jewish people of our Canaan land of Israel in ONE simple post! This is OUR Jewish people’s history from her beginning to this very present day. And WE get to tell it, here, UNFILTERED by historical European and Arab settler colonial narratives that are imposed upon our Canaan Judean people. Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!!!

🪬 A Quick Timeline Review of the History for Our Jewish People’s Canaan Land Of Israel 🪬
In 2000 BCE, Abraham and family – the Hebrew ancestors of the Jewish people – left Mesopotamia and returned to the land of Canaan.
In 1500 BCE, the people of Israel, includes Jews, had our non-nomadic Canaan Indigenous people founding event in Moab.
In 1210 BCE, the people of Israel established the confederation of the Twelve Tribes of Israel north of Moab and in Judea and Samaria.
In 1100 BCE, the people of Israel became the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah.
Then, in 734 BCE, the regional Assyrian empire occupied the northern kingdom of Israel.
Then, in 597 BCE, the regional Babylon empire occupied the Jewish kingdom of Israel, Judah.
Then, in 539 BCE, the regional Persian Achaemenid Empire occupied the Jewish kingdom of Israel.
In 538 BCE, the Jewish people of Israel restored self-sovereignty as a vassal state of the Persian empire!
In 332 BCE, the Empire of Alexander the Great occupied the Jewish kingdom of Israel.
In 312 BCE, Seleucid Empire occupied the Jewish kingdom of Israel.
In 140 BCE, the Hasmonean Dynasty restored the Jewish people’s Israeli sovereignty!
In 27 BCE, the Roman Empire occupied the Jewish kingdom of Israel.
In 132 CE, Simon ben Kosevah, aka “Bar Kokhba”, restored the Jewish people’s Israeli sovereignty!
In 135 CE, the Roman Empire occupied the Jewish kingdom of Israel.
In 330 CE, the northern Byzantine Empire occupied the Jewish land of Israel.
In 614 CE, Nehemiah ben Hushiel, “messiah ben Joseph”, restored the Jewish people’s Israeli sovereignty!
In 661 CE, the southern Arab Umayyad Caliphate occupied the Jewish land of Israel.
In 909 CE, the Arab Fatima Caliphate occupied the Jewish land of Israel.
In 1099 CE, the Christian Crusaders occupied the Jewish land of Israel.
In 1187 CE, the Ayyubid Caliphate occupied the Jewish land of Israel.
In 1192 CE, the European Crusaders occupied the Jewish land of Israel.
In 1250 CE, the Mamluk Sultanate army occupied the Jewish land of Israel.
In 1492 CE, Sephardi Jews are ethnically cleansed from the Iberian Peninsula.
In 1517 CE, the Ottoman Empire occupied the Jewish land of Israel.
In the 1880’s CE, Southwest Asian Jews began to decolonize our Canaan land of Israel while still under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.
In 1919 CE, the British-pan-Arab militaries, with their Mandate for Colonial “Palestine”, occupied the Jewish land of Israel.
In 1948 CE, SWANA Jews liberate Israel and declared her sovereign decolonised Independence!!!

🪬 For Students of History who WANT more DETAILS about the Jewish people who are INDIGENOUS to our Canaan land of Israel! 🪬
This below is a comprehensive timeline for our Jewish people’s history from her beginning to this very present day. We start with….
🪬 The origin of Jews as a settled Canaan people:
In approximately 3500 BCE, nomadic Semitic Canaanites from the Levant settled and established rule along the Nile River in Lower Egypt, North Africa. This northern kingdom of divided Egypt (aka, the “Two Lands” Egyptian period) became a regional Egyptian empire that occupied ALL the Canaan peoples’ lands in our Levant for 450 years, before Upper Egypt reunified all of Egypt from the Ba’al worshipping Pharaohs in Lower Egypt. Thank you, modern Archaeology, for shedding lived historical light upon our indigenous Jewish origin story about Egypt!
In approximately 2000 BCE, Abraham and his nomadic Canaan family – the Hebrew ancestors of the Jewish people – left the Mesopotamia region and returned to the land of Canaan. Abraham was known in the Mesopotamian diaspora as העברי, “the Hebrew”, because their family spoke our Canaanite Hebrew language as their family’s Indigenous language. Aramaic was their second language of use.
In approximately 1985 BCE, more Southwest Asian Canaan and Mesopotamia immigrants settled in North Africa, leading to the 1638 BCE Hyksos Dynasty of Pharaohs upon Egypt. Again, thank you, modern Archaeology, for shedding lived historical light upon our Southwest Asia and North Africa region. There are mythic origin stories about lived history, and there is the lived historical facts that our SWANA Indigenous peoples’ origin stories are built upon.
In approximately 1500 BCE, the people of Israel 🕎🇮🇱🎗️ – which includes our Jewish people – had our founding event as a distinctly settled, no longer nomadic, Canaan Indigenous people directly upon the land known in our Jewish Torah as the Canaan land of Moab (the southern half of today’s post-WW1 established Colonial Jordan 🇵🇸 ).
In approximately 1210 BCE, the people of Israel expanded northward and, then, crossed the river – driving out the Phoenicians from the river to the sea – where we founded the confederation of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The Phoenicians settled more northward, and they are known within our Jewish people’s Torah as the “Canaanites”.
In approximately 1100 BCE, the people of Israel became established regional Southwest Asian kingdoms – known as Israel and Judah. Why two kingdoms from one Canaan Indigenous people of Israel? Many debates and stories about this, yet we still surviving Judeans – “the Jews” – are very thankful for this two kingdom division upon our sacred SWANA land of Israel! You’ll learn why next….
🪬 The history of regional Southwest Asian empires:
Then, in 734 BCE, the regional Assyrian empire invaded and conquered the northern kingdom of Israel and literally – like the “Borg” of modern sci-fi Star Trek – forcibly mass deported into Assyria and assimilated ALL the tribes of Israel in our northern kingdom. – Note, they failed to also do the same to our southern Judah kingdom of Israel. – Ruthlessly, the Assyrians assimilated our Canaan indigenous people in every way – in language, religion, laws, and culture. This is where we Jews get our Torah lament of the “lost tribes” of Israel from.
To make their extremist intent clear, the Assyrians literally impaled the resistant ancient Israelis along our Judean people’s national border! Hence, our wise capitulation for literal Indigenous people’s survival, while the Assyrian empire existed. Oh, and those northern Israelis who survived, they fled into our kingdom of Judah, brought their versions of our SHARED Canaan Indigenous stories with them, and they became Jews!!!
Then, in 597 BCE, the regional Babylon empire invaded and conquered the Jewish kingdom of Israel, Judah. BUT, unlike the Assyrian regional empire, they did not want the Canaan people known as Jews to be Babylonians. Thus, we Judeans both lived as subjugated subjects upon our own land and as displaced subjects within the Babylon empire.
In 587 BCE, the Canaan people of Edom, directly south of our Jewish Israel nation, lost their Indigenous land to the Babylonian empire expansion. The people of Edom were pushed into southern Judah, wherein they became part of our Jewish people, and their land was settled by an Arab tribe known as the Nabataeans. Hence, our Torah instruction NOT to forget your brother Edom, who are the original people known as Idumeans to the Greeks. With this population replacement, this is how Arabs became associated with the term “Idumeans”.
Also in this 6th century BCE period, after the destruction of Jerusalem by the regional Babylon empire, some Jews returned to Egypt and became settled mercenaries for the Egyptian empire, establishing Jewish Elephantine in Egypt, complete with a sacred Judean “house of Y-HWH” temple. With the restoration of Jewish sovereignty and the building of the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem, the two populations of Jews struggled to reunite as one surviving Canaan indigenous Jewish people.
Then, in 539 BCE, the regional Persian Achaemenid Empire invaded and conquered the Jewish kingdom of Israel. Like the Babylonians before them, they had no interest in assimilating the Jewish people, for their empire’s focus was on expanded imperialism across Southwest Asia and North Africa. Unlike Babylon before, the Persians released our people of Israel, so that we may reestablish quasi-self-sovereignty national rule upon our sacred SWANA land of Israel and build our second “House of Y-HWH” Temple upon Zion, in Jerusalem.
In 538 BCE, with the restoration of Israel’s self-sovereignty as a vassal state of the Persian empire, all was great again,…. uh, UNTIL…!!! This is a great time to remind you readers of the first “Palestinians” to invade and occupy our SWANA Jewish Canaan land of Israel, the Greek occupiers of GAZA from days of old. They have returned!!!
🪬 The history of pan-European and pan-Arab – HEAR this, *multi-continent* – empire expansionism (gone are the days of regional Indigenous peoples’ squabbles!):
In 332 BCE, the Empire of Alexander the Great invaded took occupation of our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel. From southern Europe to Southwest and Southeast Asia to North Africa, the Greeks established their dominating Hellenistic rule upon all subjected Indigenous peoples under their rule.
In 312 BCE, Seleucid Empire took rule over the Macedonian Empire created by Alexander the Great. They caused great strife to the South Asian Indigenous peoples under their rule. Besides their wars with the Romans who are seeking to expand, SWANA Indigenous peoples were succumbing to their Hellenistic ways and traditions, causing a loss of Indigenous peoples’ identities and ways of life. This did NOT sit well for the Jewish people of our Canaan land of Israel!
In 140 BCE, the Jewish Hasmonean Dynasty restored the Jewish people’s sovereignty upon our Canaan land of Israel. With the support of Pharisaic Jews, the Hasmonean rebellion for the liberation of our SWANA Canaan land of Jewish Israel took control of the kingdom of Judah and our surrounding historic lands of Israel.
Sadly, and very unfortunately, our own Jewish brothers and sisters were already being corrupted by this Greek Hellenism, and Jews struggled with Jews in this Hasmonean Dynasty time period for our very Indigenous people’s survival – leading to the downfall of yet another period of Jewish sovereignty upon our Canaan land of Israel. (Thankfully, we SWANA indigenous Jews aren’t done yet!)
In 27 BCE, the Roman Empire invaded and took occupation of our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel. This is the colonized world in which the late 1st c BCE to early 1st c CE proto-rabbi and Pharisee Jesus, the Jew of Narereth, grew up within. He was a Zionist for the liberation of Israel from Roman occupation, and he paid the ultimate price for his Zionism, by Rome’s execution of this rebel starter.
Jesus’ Jewish followers were so distressed by this defeat of uprising, that they turned Jesus, in literary works, into a demigod symbol of hope (an ancient Jewish literary practice) – a Zionist hope under Roman occupation and rule that equals that of Isaac, Moses, and Samson.
In 132 CE, Simon ben Kosevah, aka “Bar Kokhba”, liberated Israel and restored Jewish sovereignty upon our Canaan land of Israel. He achieved what Jesus of Nazareth (the “failed messiah”) tried to achieve. For three years, the Jewish people had our sovereign SWANA Indigenous independence upon our sacred Canaan land of Israel!
In 135 CE, the Roman Empire regrouped and re-occupied our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel – taking our sovereignty away with near genocidal devastating consequences for our Jewish people AND, in a final slap of Imperialism, declared our Judean land of Israel to be known as Colonial “Palestine” throughout the colonized world – in an attempted erasure of our SWANA people and our Canaan history upon our sacred land.
Yes, after both emperors Caligula (“the Dragon”) and Nero (“the Beast”) had tried to silence the rebellion of Jews by enforcing their commanded Emperor worship (their Roman emperor “god in flesh” idol worshipping “ish”), the occupying Roman Empire renamed the Jewish land of Israel to “Palestine”, in an attempt to erase the Jewish people’s Indigeneity to our land and our memory of WHO we are as the LAST surviving people of historic Canaan.
PAUSE,… OBVIOUSLY, the Roman empire failed to achieve their Colonial Palestinian objective!!! To this very day, we Jews and all other surviving SWANA Indigenous peoples call the land of Israel “the land of Israel”, NOT colonial “Palestine”!!! Even the later arriving British occupier included the “Land of Israel” on their occupation currency and passports. You CANNOT uproot resolute Indigenous peoples who INTEND on surviving European and Arab settler Colonialism!!!
The rest is, as we say, modern CE history. We Jews are NOT defeated yet, despite the Roman enslavements, raping of our women, and outright spiteful murders upon our Jewish people upon our Canaan land of Israel!!! Even with the majority of our Jewish people having been forcibly removed from our Canaan land of Israel (it’s called “ethnic cleansing”), still yet – we Jews anywhere and everywhere long for our Zion, our “land of Israel”, we keep faithful our last surviving Canaan peoples’ language, our stories, and our Indigenous people’s laws.
Hello?!!! We Jews of the Canaan land of Israel are still HERE, upon our shared planet Earth, to tell you our stories!!! So, let’s keep going, shall we?….
🪬 It gets worse than this, for the Jewish people of our Canaan land of Israel! Something amazing AND very tragic occurred – for ALL Indigenous peoples worldwide – through the Greco-Roman empires’ occupation of our Jewish land of Israel:
In 330 CE, the northern Byzantine Empire established their Christian imperial rule over our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel, having replaced much of the Roman emperor structure in the Aegean north and upon our Roman occupied Southwest Asia and North Africa. The gentiles in ancient Greece had successfully invented the un-Jew-ed version of our Canaan indigenous Judaism, Judah-people-ism, and sold it to a Roman emperor.
This proselytizing Christianity is a theology-based religion based upon our Jewish people’s indigenous writings, is in religious antithesis to our Judean tribal ethno-religion, and it obtained its political and military power through the Roman Empire’s military and political state.
In 602 CE, the Sasanian Persian empire began its battles with the Byzantine Empire for the decolonization of our Southwest Asian peoples’ lands. Jews living upon our sacred Canaan land of Israel unite with our Persian indigenous neighbor’s freedom fight against the northern Christian colonizers for the liberation of Southwest Asia.
In 614 CE, Nehemiah ben Hushiel (“messiah ben Joseph”, another 3 year messiah) reestablished Jewish self-sovereignty upon our SWANA Canaan land of Israel. Sadly, despite our help to them, the Sasanian Persians allowed the Crusaders to reconquer our SWANA sacred lands!!!
In 661 CE, the southern Arab Umayyad Caliphate occupied and established their Islamic imperial rule over our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel, all of Southwest Asia, all of North Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula. All non-Muslims were classified as dhimmis and were required to pay the jizya tax for protection by Arabs. Dhimmi status is a less than Arab social status that employed social restrictions to limit social liberties.
Mohammed invented his proselytizing Islam religion in 610 CE in Jabal al-Nour, Mecca, Hejaz, Arabian Peninsula based on the Byzantine imperial religion of Christianity and upon aspects of our indigenous Jewish ethno-religion and law system. After Mohammed’s death down south in Mecca (Hejaz), Arabia, the followers of his post-Christianity religion of Islam decided to conquer the entire known world for Allah in the same way that Christianity was conquering and settler colonizing for Christ.
In 909 CE, the Arab Fatima Caliphate took occupying rule over our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel, Southwest Asia, and all of North Africa, replacing the Abbasids. All non-Muslims were classified as dhimmis and were required to pay the jizya tax for protection by Arabs. Dhimmi status is a less than Arab social status that employed social restrictions to limit social liberties.
Dhimmi status also requires a clothing marker to identify your “religious” status, which is where Europeans got this idea from for targeting “the Jews”.
In 1099 CE, the Christian Crusaders invaded, occupied, and established their colonial “Kingdom of Jerusalem” state upon our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel. They raped and murdered Jews without mercy while establishing their Christian rule upon our Canaan people’s land! These Frankish Christian Crusaders established European supremacist rule upon all subjects under their Colonial rule, recognized Muslims and Syriac Christians, learned Greek and Arabic and, in a generation, deemed themselves the “natives” of our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel.
In 1187 CE, the Ayyubid Caliphate took occupying rule over our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel and Egypt, defeating the Christian Crusader’s “Kingdom of Jerusalem colonial state. The Ayyubid Muslims were non-Arab Kurdish indigenous that united the Indigenous peoples of Southwest Asia against the Christian European colonizers.
The Arab Muslims, with their religious belief that all Muslim conquered lands are always Arab Muslim lands from then out, continued to fight back for Arab supremacist rule over our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel, turning one Frankish Christian crusade into eight crusades for the possession of our Jewish SWANA sacred land, the “Holy Land” to European Christians.
In 1192 CE, the European Crusaders successfully reestablished their “Kingdom of Jerusalem” colonial nation upon our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel. Thus, this modern history precursor started the Christian and Muslim settler Colonialism efforts upon our Southwest Asia and Africa regions of Indigenous peoples’ lands!
In 1250 CE, the Mamluk Sultanate army took ruling control over our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel, Egypt, and Hejaz in Arabia. The Mamluks uprooted the Frankish Christian colonial rule, ending the “Kingdom of Jerusalem” state. The Mamluks were military caste of freed slave soldiers headed, first, by a Turkic sultan and, second, a Bahri sultan.

🪬 The history of modern Christian and Muslim settler Colonialism throughout our shared planet Earth (it began with the targeting of Jews, of course!):
In 1492 CE, the European Christians – after having reconquered the Arab Muslim conquered Iberian Peninsula – and after having failed at, BOTH, forcibly converting and committing genocide upon the Jewish people who are living in Spain and Portugal (who’ve been living here SINCE the Roman Empire’s expulsion of SO many Jews from our Canaan land of Israel) – these European Christians decide, within the SAME YEAR, to ethnically cleanse their Jews AND begin their colonization of the “American” continents!!!
THIS IS HOW JEWS – the first Jewish refugees upon our planet Earth since the Roman occupation of the land of Israel – returned directly to our Canaan Judean people’s land of Israel, to the Middle East in general, to North Africa, some to Eastern Europe, some to Western Europe, and SOME to the continents called “America”!!!
Yes, Jewish families trying to reach the Indies (our South Asian Indigenous brothers and sisters) ended up fighting for our survival WITH the “American Indians”. It is a historical fact that a “Native American” tribe went so far as to make a Sephardi Jew their official Chief before the English Conquistadors upon Michilimackinac – for their survival. This JEW married into this American Indian tribe, marrying the original Chief’s daughter!
In 1517 CE, the Ottoman Empire took ruling control over our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel, Egypt, northern Arabia, with North Africa and Hejaz Arabia as vassal nations. The Ottomans also had rule upon much of Southeast Europe and West Asia.
In the 1880’s CE, Southwest Asian Jews began to decolonize our Canaan land of Israel while still under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, in preparation for reestablished Jewish independence and Israeli sovereignty (see footnote “1” at the bottom of this page). This was made possible by the wealthy Sephardi-Mizrahi Jew’s good relations with the present Ottoman government, and with Jews returning from the Yemen and European diasporas.
With Arabs and Europeans NOT wanting this Jewish decolonization of our Canaan land of Israel to happen under Ottoman rule….
In 1917 CE, the Hashemite royal family of Hejaz, Arabia, joins the British and French in a planned reconquering of Southwest Asia during WW1 – defying their vassal status under the Ottomans. The British and Hejaz Arabs invent the flag of Hejaz 🇵🇸 .
In 1919 CE, the British-pan-Arab Mandate for Colonial “Palestine” was established upon our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel and the French-pan-Arab Mandate for Colonial “Syria” was established upon our neighboring indigenous Syriac Christian and Kurdish lands – all achieved through modern warfare!
The use of the Roman empire’s imperial “Palestine” name for our Canaan land of Israel is deliberate! And the British duplicity towards Jews became self-evident within the very first decade of their racistly violent British-Arab militarized occupation of our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel and upon our Kurdish neighbor’s land of Kurdistan.
In 1948 CE, SWANA Jews liberated Israel and declared her sovereign decolonised Independence!!! A miraculous Indigenous nation’s achievement, after near two decades of Jewish freedom fighting for the liberation of our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel from this racistly violent British-pan-Arab militarized occupation. BOTH the Europeans and the Arabs – BUT, especially, the Arabs – were NOT happy with our independent Jewish achievement upon our SWANA Israeli sacred land!

🪬 So, the rest is post-1948 anti-Israel anti-Zionist anti-Indigenous military, political, social warfare!!! Let’s review what DID NOT need to happen upon our successfully decolonized Zion, the Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel, just PRIOR to 1948 and SINCE 1948:
The Arabs of Hejaz, Arabia, didn’t have to invent with the British their flag of Colonial Palestine 🇵🇸 in 1917 – which flew over the Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz, in Arabia, and the Emirate of Transjordan (known as Colonial Jordan today), in Southwest Asia and, since 1964, has flown over the Jordanian-USSR “Palestinian”-occupied areas of the “West Bank” and Gaza parts of our 1948 forcibly decolonized SWANA nation of Israel!
The Arabs didn’t have to invade the Southwest Asia region during WW1 – with British and French military support – to re-colonize Indigenous Peoples’ lands and divide it into Arab Colonial nations. The Arab settlers upon “Palestine” – only foreigners call Israel and Kurdistan “Palestine” – didn’t have to do a 10/7 HAMAS style massacre upon Indigenous Jews in the 1920’s, 1930’s, and 1940’s, forcing our Jewish freedom fight for the liberation of Israel from violently racist British-Arab militarized occupation of our ancestral land.
The British-Hashemite assigned Grand Mufti for the post-WW1 British-Arab Colonial “Mandate for Palestine”, Mohammed Amin al-Husseini محمد أمين الحسيني, didn’t have to visit Adolf Hitler personally in Germany during WW2, didn’t have to join the Nazi Party, and didn’t have to start broadcasting from Germany to the Arabs – who are occupying Southwest Asia and North Africa – to join the Nazi “Final Solution”, so that Arabs have a Jew free Colonial Palestine upon what used to be a Jew present colonized but indigenous land of Israel!
The surrounding Colonial Arab nations didn’t have to engage in their 1948 ten (10) month siege of newly Independent Israel, displacing half the Arab population that was destined to be Israeli citizens. Egypt and Jordan didn’t have to occupy Gaza and the “West Bank” parts of 1948 decolonized Israel for 18+ years, until Israel freedom fought these parts back in 1967. The Arabs didn’t have to align themselves with the USSR’s KGB in the 1960’s to invent the PLO terror organization and its fictitious “Palestinian people” in 1964, nor hire a Cairo born Egyptian Brotherhood terrorist, Yasser Arafat, to lead this imaginary people to redemption of their newly invented imaginary history upon the land of Israel.
The Palestinian Authority and Arab Palestinian HAMAS didn’t have to engage in pay-for-slay and martyrdom terrorism for the last 6 decades. The United States and Arab-European United Nations didn’t have to UNRWA fund Arab “Palestinian” post-1948 occupations of Gaza and (what Jordan named) the “West Bank” – all to prevent Indigenous Israelis (Jews, Druze, Bedouin, and Israeli Arab citizens of Israel) peace and security after forcibly decolonizing our Judean people’s land in 1948! The United States and Arab-European United Nations didn’t have to UNRWA fund Arab “Palestinian” terrorist schools, weapons purchases, and terrorist tunnel constructions for 2 decades in GAZA!!!
Arab Palestinian fighters 🇵🇸 for Islamic HAMAS terrorism didn’t have to break the ceasefire on Oct 7th, 2023! This Arab “Palestinian” tragedy that is unfolding in Gaza did not need to happen! And the United Nations of Arab-European Colonial nations are directly responsible for this anti-Israeli and anti-Kurd depraved violence upon Israeli and Kurdish peoples’ lands!
We Indigenous Israelis 🪬🇮🇱 and Kurds 🪬☀️ are the ones who are most saddened that Arab-European Conquistador ☪️🇺🇳✝️ anti-Indigenous racism – for the glory of Colonial Allah, Christ, and Marx ruling dominionism – has caused this violence and bloodshed upon our sacred lands!

🪬 A list of Jewish communities upon our Canaan land of Israel that have directly witnessed all of this Jewish people’s history that is shared here on this page:
Our Jewish city of Jerusalem literally witnessed ALL of this history of our regional neighbors and, then, the European and Arab occupations – and our repeated Jewish freedom fights for self-sovereignty upon our sacred Canaan land of Israel. The Jewish city of Peki’in פְּקִיעִין, was established during the Greco-Roman BCE occupation period and lasted until the 1936 Arab settler riots targeting indigenous Jews!
The Jewish city of Carmel כרמל, established approximately 12th century BCE and lasted until the 9th century CE, was located on the southeastern part of Judea’s Mount Hebron, it survived until the Persian army of Chosroes defeated the Roman garrison of Heraclius.
The Jewish city of Beit Anath בית ענת, established before the 12th century BCE and lasted until the 4th century CE, it means “house of Anat” (a Canaanite goddess), and it was located on the eastern side of the Galilee.
The Jewish city of Beit She’arim בית שערים, established during the 1st century BCE and lasted until the 3rd century CE, it means “house of gates”, it was located in the lower Galilee, and it was the place where the Sanhedrin met.
The Jewish city of Katzrin קצרין, established in the 4th century CE and lasted until the 8th century CE, it was located in the Golan Heights, and today has both a kibbutz and open-air museum.
The Jewish city of Peki’in פְּקִיעִין is the longest continuously surviving Jewish community in Israel outside of the city of Carmel כרמל. And Jews have always lived in Jerusalem, since our founding event as a Canaan indigenous people!

🪬 In summary conclusion:
For 3,500 years, we Jews/Israelis have had a nonstop presence upon our ancestral land of Israel (despite every European and Arab attempted ethnic cleansing of our Jewish people from Zion), spoken our Canaanite Hebrew language upon our Judean people’s land, and have faithfully kept our Judean-orignating halachot – our native Jewish people’s law system.
Every Jew throughout history that has strived to remain upon our Canaan land of Israel, that has ventured to return to her from out of the worldwide diasporas, that have fought for her decolonization and sovereign Independence is a Zionist. We Jews, the people of Israel, have been calling our land ציון “Zion” for 3,500 years nonstop!
There is no such thing as an “indigenous Palestinian”, unless you are referring to Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples – you know, Jews, Kurds, ethnic Syrians, ethnic Lebanese, ethnic Persians (etc, etc, etc) – and those formerly indigenous who had been forcibly Christianized/Islamized by the Christian and Islamic Colonizers, and are still rejecting Arab-European Colonial rule. Post-WW1 and until 1964, the world knew “Palestinians” to be the Jews, these formerly indigenous Christianized/Islamized peoples, and the masses of post-WW1 Arab settlers during the British-pan-Arab militarized occupation period. Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter!
Further, Jews are a people with an ethno-religion that defines by legal laws who is one of our Indigenous SWANA people and who is not! We Jews have had a nonstop 3,800 year presence upon our SWANA sacred land of Israel, which predates the northern Aegean created Colonial Christianity and southern Hejaz created Colonial Islam religions. Again , easily verifiable historical facts really do matter! Lastly… Names also matter!
In our Jewish people’s Canaanite Hebrew language, פָלַשׁ “falash” literally means to “roll in” (to “occupy, invade, migrate, etc.”). It indicates foreignness, non-indigenous to the land of Israel. It is the root for the word פְלִשְׁתִּי “Felishti” that means “inhabitant” within the area of our indigenous land that was occupied, which was Gaza.
The Greek and Latin versions of our Jewish people’s word for “occupier” is derived from פְלֶשֶׁת “Feleshet” that identifies the land area that is occupied by the Felishti. Feleshet became Palaistinē in Greek and became Palestina in Latin and, then, became Palestine in English.
So, to complete this easy historical fact, Arabs who’ve been calling themselves “Palestinian” since the 1960’s are literally calling themselves “non-indigenous” to the Levant – “foreigner, invader, occupier, migrater”, someone who “rolled in” to our Jewish people’s Canaan land of Israel in order to claim possession over it! Which is exactly what pan-Arab nationalists did.
This is why the Arab “Palestinian” political land-squatters upon Gaza and (what Colonial Jordan named) the “West Bank” part of our 1948 forcibly decolonized nation of Israel do NOT want to be citizens, rather they want our sovereign SWANA indigenous nation to disappear from planet Earth. Being pro-Palestine is all about historic and systemic Jew hatred! And Jew hatred is anti-Indigenous racism!

🪬 One final thought for addressing the future:
STOP FOR A MOMENT… We here, we Jews, just TEACH history here! We WILL NOT spoon feed you, so go do YOUR OWN damn history learning due diligence, AND learn something about our SHARED humanity in the process!!! Historically, we Jews have been TOO few in numbers and TOO spread out amongst the majority non-Jewish populations to mount any significant kind of resistance to modern European and Arab settler Colonialism.
So, since Roman Empire times, we Jews have been surviving within modern Colonial societies, despite the ghetto/dhimmi segregated lifestyle enforced upon our last surviving Canaan people by the social supremacists in European/Arab colonial societies. And, doing so, despite the (historically, mostly) racist antisemitic violence that keeps targeting OUR SWANA Canaan Indigenous people worldwide, for simply still existing as the Jewish people – courtesy of systemic Colonial Christianity and Colonial Islam (and, since the 19th c CE, Colonial Marxism).
In comes both World War 1 (WWI) and World War 2 (WWII), with ALL the technological advancements of modern science! A GAME CHANGER for ALL still surviving Indigenous peoples, planet Earth wide!!! Hence, why Jews are PRESENTLY the MOST hated Indigenous people upon this planet Earth! We could now smuggle in weapons and mount a truly successful freedom fight for the liberation of our SWANA sacred lands!
An extreme minority people can NOW be a worldwide player upon the European and Arab Conquistadors’ semi-successfully colonized planet Earth. A false equivalency, courtesy of Indigenous peoples’ ingenuity, combined with present human historical events!
Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks! If we want the European and Arab successfully colonized world to understand our Jewish people’s history, then we NEED to express our Indigenous people’s history from our native Canaanite position within this world. ENOUGH with expressing within the Colonial narratives designed for us (a false equivalency narrative), for this gives the European and Arab Conquistadors a position of denial towards us SWANA Indigenous 🪬🇮🇱☀️🇱🇧&post-pan-Arab🇸🇾🪬 !!!

For hundreds of years, under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, the “Hakham Bashi” was the title given to the chief rabbi of the Jews of the entire empire. The Hakham Bashi served as the Jewish community’s official representative before the government. The title of Rishon LeZion was given to the leader of the Jews of the Land Israel. Rabbi Chaim Abraham Gagin, born in 1787, was the first to hold both positions at the same time. … Learn more here!
We Jews are so glad that Judaism is not a religion. Time for us to decolonize our narratives, if an end to antisemitic racism is ever to be our future.
FOOTNOTE “1” – from 1800’s Ottoman empire occupied Jewish Israel ABOVE: “For those who are listening, some more easily verifiable historical facts:

The mother of modern Zionism was Gracia Mendes Nasi, who built the first modern Jewish community in Israel in 1558. The father of modern Zionism was Rabbi Yehuda Bibas, the scion of Moroccan rabbinical royalty, who traveled across Europe in 1839 to encourage Jews to make aliyah and reclaim Jerusalem. It was Jews Indigenous to Judea and Samaria and Jews who returned from Colonial Iraq and Yemen after Arab violence upon Jews and Jews who had already returned from the European diaspora that restored our Jewish land and waters sovereignty upon the land of Israel in the EARLY 1800’s in preparation for Zionism, decolonization from Arab-European settler Colonialism upon the Levant and Southwest Asia regions.
Theodor Herzl was born in 1860 up in the northern European diaspora, and he is wrongfully titled as “the father of Zionism”. While Theodor Herzl was writing books and holding conferences on Zionism, speaking in the Colonial language of our historic European oppressors, MENA Jews (Middle Eastern North African Jews) were preparing the land of Israel. Because MENA Jews were being allowed to decolonize under the new Ottoman rule, the Arabs – with British and French support – invaded the Jewish and Kurdish SWANA land region to re-occupy it for Colonial Allah-Christ dominionism.
This post-WW1 militarized British-Arab occupation of the land of Israel caused MENA Jews to smuggle in weapons into the “Palestine Mandate” to fight the Arab-European Colonial occupiers of the land of Israel. For near two decades, 5,000 MENA Jewish women and men freedom fought against the over 100,000 British-Arab troops for the liberation of Israel. During the 1930’s, the Arab settler occupiers of “Palestine” (only foreigners call the land of Israel “Palestine”) joined the German Nazi party, trying to spread the European Holocaust upon Jews throughout the Middle East and North Africa. In 1948, we MENA Jews successfully decolonized our SWANA Indigenous nation’s land!
Most of the Jews that survived the northern European diaspora Holocaust went to the United States and Canada for survival. This is why Israel’s Jewish population is majority Mizrahi-Sephardi to this very day. Perhaps you should learn the actual history of the Levant and Southwest Asia regions – not Arab-European history revisionisms that erases our Indigenous Judean presence upon the land of Israel.
Again, Theodor Herzl is NOT the “father” of modern Jewish Zionism! Give us, us Jews, our SWANA Indigenous voices back!!! The mother of modern Zionism is Gracia Mendes Nasi, 16th century CE. The father of modern Zionism was Rabbi Yehuda Bibas, 19th century CE. Theodor Herzl was born in 1860, and his father was a loyal supporter of Yehuda Bibas of Morocco and his Moroccan Jewish call to Jews in the European diaspora to return home and decolonize Israel!
Don’t be an antisemite!!! Go study easily verifiable history instead! Be the source of PEACE and SECURITY upon our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ lands and upon this entire Arab-European colonized world!

Have you been taught there is a thing called the “Palestinian kufiya” or “Palestinian keffiyeh”? LEARN HERE, now, HOW this is a European and Arab Conquistadors’ appropriation of Southwest Asia’s Mesopotamian Indigenous peoples’ headdress!!!
Europeans AND Arabs, STOP Appropriating Our SWANA Shemagh & Kufiya!
THANK YOU for wanting to LEARN more about our Jewish people and about our Southwest Asia Indigenous peoples’ region!!!