If I haven’t made my point clear enough on other pages of this website! … Because history IS this important! Because real history DOES matter! Because we Jews MUST NOT disparage our still struggling to decolonize Indigenous Levant and Southwest Asia brother/sister tribes!…
There is a lie being spread about world history, that is being spread in this world by Arab-European Colonizers and their successfully colonized subjects. Even many Jews of the Western diasporas (primarily in Europe and America) wrongfully – to our Indigenous People’s disadvantage – spread this history lie to others. The lie is this:
“It was the Assyrians who scattered the lost tribes of Israel around this planet Earth.” NO, the Assyrians did NOT do this, full historical stop! The lost tribes of Israel never left the Levant and Southwest Asia regions. We Jews were never “lost” anywhere around this planet Earth! Only Arab Colonizers and European Colonizers think that the “lost tribes” of Israel, that they found in our ancestral literatures known as the Torah, is a diaspora event. No! It was a regional history event! Easily verifiable historical facts really do matter, folks!
The regional empires of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon that surrounded and repeatedly occupied the land of Canaan (which includes the Land of Israel, Judea and Samaria and the northern half of present day “Jordan”) – who, all three regional empires, are the reasons for our Jewish ancestral myths – never conquered the world, did not know the entire world, and DID NOT scatter the people of Israel around this planet Earth. It was the world conquering Greeks, Romans, and Arabs that brought this world colonization to a reality (and the chasing of Jews around this planet Earth!) by their appropriation of Jewish ancestral literatures and ancestors to create their Colonial Arab-European religions for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands (which is inherently antisemitic, learn why here!).
The “lost tribes” of Israel is a poetic lament on a regional event, and not a declaration of a diasporic historical event. The BCE northern kingdom of Israel was forcibly assimilated into the Assyrian culture, language, and religion – and the Hebrews that resisted this colonization became Jews or Samaritans. The Jewish people have faithfully spoken our Canaanite language, Hebrew, for 3,300 years and we are the only tribe of Israel still surviving today – the last surviving tribe of the Canaanite peoples, in general! A question:
Is it fair to blame the indigenous Assyrian people of Southwest Asia for what Roman Christianity and Arab Islam colonizers did to the Jewish people? We Israeli activists advocate for Kurdish and Assyrian decolonization, too! It does not matter where you find a Jewish community in this world, all Jews in the worldwide Diasporas are there because of Roman Christian and Arab Islam colonization of this planet Earth. Stop believing the Colonial Arab-European history revisionism lies!
Here, I’ll help you, both in visual and in words, to understand these historical facts…

North Africans, Europeans, and Arabs have been occupying the extremely small land of Israel for 3,800 years now!
The Egyptians, Assyrians, and Babylonians were brief localized regional empires, limited to the northern African, the Levant, and the Southwest Asia regions only – hardly “worldwide”! The Canaan Levant, where the land of the people of Israel is located, was the stomping grounds between these regional empires.
The first multi-continent Colonial empires that would set the stage for a worldwide take over of planet Earth began with the Greeks and Romans. And not before!
Then, after the northern Aegeans created Christianity and the southern Arabians created Islam – both universalist pure “religions” that are fundamentally designed for the conquesting of all human beings to their theology and Colonial way of life – the Arabs of formerly insignificant Arabia joined the Europeans in their quest to conquer and exploit all the Indigenous Peoples’ lands worldwide for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon planet Earth!
Since the Egyptians, Assyrians, and Babylonians, the first Indigenous People to be colonized by Colonial empires was the peoples of Canaan (includes the indigenous Judean people known as “Jews” today). To this very day, the only Indigenous People to successfully forcibly partially decolonize upon our Arab-European colonized and occupied land is the Jewish people of Israel! … So, may the Kurdish people of neighboring Southwest Asia be the next Indigenous People to successfully forcibly partially decolonize upon their ancestral land, and may this decolonization of Indigenous Peoples’ lands from Colonial Arab-European settler-occupations continue worldwide!
There is room on this planet Earth for Indigenous Peoples sovereign nations and Colonial nations for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon planet Earth. Arabs-Europeans – the historic Christian-Muslim-Marxist Colonizers of our planet – don’t need to rule all of planet Earth. Just saying!

One more time for absolute clarity: It was not the Assyrians that scattered the people of Israel across this planet. It was the Greeks and Romans (then, the Arabs, too) that scattered the tribe of Judah across the continents and islands of planet Earth! And it is important to understand this historical fact. Why?! Because it was Greco-Rome that appropriated our Judean culture, ancestral literatures, and ancestors for their multi-continent Colonial society. Not the BCE regional empires of Assyria, Egypt, and Persia. And, despite every effort to assimilate the Jewish people into the Roman empire, our continuous rebellions denied their assumption of our lived Indigenous identity (to this very day, we deny them this!)!
Here’s another way of saying this: The Pawnees did not end up on a reservation because, back in pre-Colonial days, they were viciously attacked by the Comanches. The reason the Pawnees are in the “American” diaspora is directly because of Colonial European settler-occupation and supremacy upon all north “American” continent Indigenous nations. The same is what has happened in the Levant and Southwest Asia!
The people of Israel did not end up scattered around the world because, back in BCE regional conflict days, the tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel were viciously assimilated by the neighboring Assyrian tribe. The reason that the southern Judean tribe of Israel is scattered throughout every continent and island diaspora of planet Earth is directly because of European Christian (first) and Arab Muslim (second) Colonial settler-occupation and supremacy upon all of the Levant and Southwest Asia in this CE period. Israel colonized along with the Egyptians, Assyrians, Kurds, and Persians – many of whom were Christianized or Islamized (aka, Arabized)! Historical honesty and accountability is the only path to peace among humans!
A response to the above, from a USA successfully colonized Jew: “You know people can become Jewish? All this talk about “we are the only ones, we are original, trace this and that, etc.” is pointless – Make orthodox גיור, giyur – now you are a Jew! Poof!”
This statement was made to delegitimize the Indigenous status of the Jewish people, by suggesting that we are merely a religion and nothing more. This anti-Indigenous reclassification of a people is a form of internalized racism that afflicts successfully colonized Jews with social privilege. My response to these misguided Jews, who mislead non-Jews, is as follows:
Bye, Colonizer for Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon this planet Earth! Only the Jewish people, with our agrarian geographical land-based ethno-religion, gets to decide who is Canaan Israel Jewish and who is goyim. It’s called Jewish halachot (indigenous Judean-orignating laws)! Anyone can be Colonial Christian or Colonial Muslim by a simple declaration of “faith” in the respective Colonial god. If not born into a Jewish family, yes, one can face a beit din (Jewish community court of law) and try for a favorable ruling. This “conversion” is not an easy one! But, if successful, welcome to the people of Israel – you’ve been adopted as a member, so go marry a Jewish woman/man and raise a Jewish family.
Even in Israel, the Jewish organizations that feed social media are regularly getting our Jewish narrative wrong before the non-Jews. The Arab-European world doesn’t care about our historical facts, and laugh at us when we show how “similar” and “embracing” we Jews are with the world’s Colonizers. All that such Jewish response does is to continue the Arab-European false equivalency narrative, instead of making Arabs-Europeans see the differences between 15.2 million Jews (along with 360 million still surviving other Indigenous Peoples) and 7.9 billion non-Jews, who 5.8 billion adherents to Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism obsess daily over Israel (both our land and us as a people). We Jews are at the point in history that, if we don’t fully decolonize, we will be re-colonized! The world stage of history is already being set for this decision! I hope (but it’s just hope) that the lesson of the last Shoah has not faded too quickly.
Real history matters, folks! And having a correct Jewish narrative that accurately teaches history – whether European Christians and Arab Muslims want to hear our voice or not – is vitally important to a full Jewish decolonization of our ancestral land and a future of peace for the people of Israel! Not to forget to mention the other Indigenous Peoples looking to Israel as a light for their nations! These worldwide occupied Indigenous nations (Kurds, Assyrians, Balochs, Igbo, Sámi, Navajo, Pueblo, Cree, Hawaiians, etc, etc etc!) want their Zionism upon their land, too!
عربي עברית English
نعم! نحن اليهود لم نفقد قط في أي مكان في هذا العالم! فقط المستعمرون العرب والمستعمرون الأوروبيون يعتقدون أن “القبائل المفقودة” في إسرائيل هي حدث شتات. لا! لقد كان حدثًا تاريخيًا إقليميًا!
כן! אנחנו היהודים מעולם לא הלכנו לאיבוד בשום מקום בעולם הזה! רק המתיישבים הערבים והמתנחלים האירופים חושבים ש”השבטים האבודים” של ישראל הם אירוע תפוצות. לא! זה היה אירוע היסטורי אזורי!
Yes! We Jews were never “lost” anywhere around this world! Only Arab Colonizers and European Colonizers think that the “lost tribes” of Israel is a Diaspora event. No! It was a regional history event!
Indigenous blood (brothers and sisters, no matter how colonized) all know each other, even when we forget each other or are afraid to reveal our connection. If you are bani Israel (بني إسرائيل, the children of Israel) living in diaspora and living as Muslim (iows, living in public denial for survival), know that we Indigenous Jews still see you in this world.
You have a path home! We Jews are determined to end the silence and capitulation to proper social narrative for our Canaan people, for the sake of being a true light for all Indigenous nations seeking peace among peoples – *without our Indigenous compromise* – upon planet Earth.

There is room for Indigenous Peoples and the historic Arab-European Colonizers to coexist in *peace* upon this planet Earth!
A Colonizer is a Colonizer Regardless of Ancestry! Learn why Here!
A Taste of Israeli Politics – Jews Indigenous vs Jews colonized! – A battle between Jews Indigenous and Jews colonized for Israel’s future!
Jews need an Israeli “Constitution” based on the ways of Judea! – Learn about it, here!
Only Arabs and Europeans can End the Violence in Israel! – See Why Here – Enough said! So, prove us wrong.
I don’t know how to reach this “white” “black” world! Learn why Here!
Educate yourself on historical quotes and historical facts here on this page of History That Is Erased By Arab-European Colonizers!
Is Israel A Racist Supremacist Ethno-State? – Find out here, Now!
Indigenous Stories and Indigenous Ways – Learn some here!
Back to the Take On Me index page – Click Here.
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