The Torah is a reflection of the Ancient Near East (ANE) period, not the modern Western CE period. Yet, translations of our Jewish ancestral literatures have been used over the last 400 plus years to justify European Christian ghettoization of and repeated genocides upon Jews, chattel slavery of Africans violently used as sub-human animals, the reduction of women to home bound property of men, the kidnapping of Indigenous children to force educate the “savage” out of them, and the violent persecution of humans not heterosexual in their intimate relationship orientation. Stop the lies, Christians!

In all these Christian enforced evils disguised as “Holy Bible” inspired righteous behavior, the Torah of the Jewish people legally and “theologically” rejects these European Christian taught beliefs and behaviors. You commit chillul ha’Shem (lit. “a desecration profaning the Name [of G-d]”), Christians and your successfully Christianized, by saying your mistranslated interpretations of our Torah comes from our Torah! All to justify your indifferent unrighteous supremacist beliefs and behaviors and your structurally enforced application of these misguided religious beliefs upon others! You sin with these religious beliefs, daily and upon all Christian colonized lands, doing so in the name of “God”.
The Torah is not open to this misuse “interpretation” of its ANE worldview and preserved laws. When properly read in the Canaanite Hebrew language, the Torah very clearly teaches the following:
That Torah says man and woman were formed (first creation story) or split-into-two (second creation story) at the same time, and that woman is ezer ke’negdo (lit. “equal gender opposite”) to man. That Torah says all nefesh (lit. “breathing-creatures”), whether human or animal, fowl, fish, insect, were formed in the same way – the only difference is that the talking human is responsible for sustaining and guarding “the garden”. That Torah says Jews are one of the Levant’s indigenous Canaanite peoples, who are vassaled by YHWH to live upon the Canaan land to fulfill the land and legal obligations of the god-King, YHWH (all other peoples have their god-King, and YHWH allows this, but not for his “chosen” Jews).
That Torah says women and men are leaders (actual chieftains) of the Jewish people, not just men alone. (Miriam the nebiah, “spokeswoman, prophetess”, was established as being such, along with her brothers, Moses and Aaron, at the yam-suf – “sea of reeds” [often mistranslated as the “Red Sea” by non-Jews].) That Torah says women can inherit and rule the land properties that have no patriarch leader. That Torah says “socialism”, despite the allowed “capitalism”, rules the land and ensures that there are none destitute and in poverty. That Torah says every seven upon seven years, all debts (indentured service) are nullified for the same reason. That Torah says there is one law for both Indigenous Judean and non-Jews living in the land. That Torah says tignov, “kidnapping”, is such a crime it made the “Ten Commandments” (lit. the Ten Proclamations)!

That, despite all Christian and successfully Christianized protests, the Torah only speaks of three specific forbidden homogenital (“homosexual”) acts and they only apply to men (males) – no sex with uncle, no sex with father and, married men, no sex with a male on your wife’s bed (mish’k’vei ishah, “conjugal-bed of wife”)! As well, Torah knows nothing about “cross-dressing” outside of one legally forbidden act between a man of stature and women (no keli, “item”, of a gever, “man of stature”, on an ishah, “woman”, and a gever, “man of stature”, is not to wear an [undefined specific] simlah, “outer garment”, of an ishah, “woman”)! The Torah speaks nothing about same-sex marriage, because Torah knows nothing about this, because YHWH never forbid such behavior – no matter how much you try to modernly “spin” our ancient Jewish literatures to justify your modern CE “religious” bigotry!
All this is black Canaanite Hebrew language characters written onto semi-white scroll paper, known as the Jewish Torah. Written by a becoming henotheistic Jewish people, who were not afraid of our polytheistic Canaanite origins. The Canaanite peoples were the people of Moab (that birthed Hebrews/Jews), the people of Edom, the people of Ammon, the people of Phoenicia/Torah’s-“Canaanites”, and the people of Israel/Judah-Israel. To this day, we Jews still speak our Canaanite Hebrew language and preserve/chant our ancestral literatures, so perhaps we should be listened to about matters of “Bible”. No?! Maybe not, so they have decided, for the historic appropriators and Colonizers of planet Earth in the names of the Jewish people.
Point for point in this expression upon this page, I/we can demonstrate for you in Torah all that has been shared here. Because, Torah Words Matter, folks, so Stop The Lies! There are 15.2 million Jews in this world of 8 billion human beings, and the only acceptable representation of our Canaanite Judean people and our Canaanite Hebrew ancestral literatures is through the mouths and writings of successfully colonized Jews – just trying to adapt and survive to avoid Jewish people extinction (genuine Indigenous People fear)!
Oh, it’s not “apologetics” to say… that Christians and, by default, post-1948 Muslims are wrong about many things appropriated from the Jewish people and our ancestral literatures. Why does the social majority ever have to listen to the extreme social Indigenous minority?
Another “case in point” (as it is said!), the story of Sodom and Gomorrah has absolutely nothing to do with “gay-ism” “homosexuality”. This story of the twin cities destroyed by fire from the heavens is about RAPE, folks! Such extreme inhospitality to strangers that all the males of the cities, from young to old (regardless of “sexual orientation”), came to Lot’s home to rape the visiting malachim (human Messengers of YHWH, Israelite prophets). (Note, malachim are not the cherubim that YHWH rides upon and sometimes sends as a messenger – thus, being human, they are actually “rape”-able by humans.)
King David was so known for his “sexual fluidity” in relation to his love of all loves, Johnathan, that Johnathan’s father King Saul cursed the womb of his wife for bearing forth such an ambisexual son. Oh, it’s not “apologetics” to say… For our Jewish TaNaKh literally says all of this in our Canaanite Hebrew language. Go, home, Colonial religions naysayers. Please, stop speaking for us, Colonial appropriators!
And, the “Bible”, the Torah in its Canaanite Hebrew, says very clearly that life begins at first baby breath out of the womb, and NOT before! This is why Jewish law protects the mother’s life from a “murderous” not yet born child that, if born, will destroy her (it doesn’t matter the circumstances or reasons for this!). For the sake of life, of the Name [G-d], abortion is sometimes necessary and a Jewish legal requirement!

It doesn’t matter your present personal “you”, if you’re a Jewish male (or male presenting) then you need to wrap tefillin at least once in your life. It is the belief of Jews that if all the Jewish people fulfilled this one single mitzvah, the messianic age of peace for all Jews – aka, Indigenous Peoples – will transform this world. And, the other nations that speak for us about us will “visit” in “peace“. The Torah in its Canaanite Hebrew language is a tree of life, and only those with an appropriated copy (a translation) would think that it is not!
“Take Me On”! I’ll teach what is Torah expression – versus – what is “interpretation” of Torah for the sake of modern survival of our endlessly targeted Indigenous Judean-orignating people. This is why many/most colonized “frum”/heredi Rabbis talk about gayness as an unfortunate “burden” in life, given present Rabbinical halacha on the matter that interprets a noun into a euphemistic verb, while acknowledging a corrective psak can be made – once colonized Jewish communities are ready for this. I’ve had these debates on “timing” with prominent Rabbis in the past (yes, for decades, in the know, but ain’t nobody myself).
A Colonizer is a Colonizer Regardless of Ancestry! Learn why Here!
A Taste of Israeli Politics – Jews Indigenous vs Jews colonized! – A battle between Jews Indigenous and Jews colonized for Israel’s future!
Jews need an Israeli “Constitution” based on the ways of Judea! – Learn about it, here!
Only Arabs and Europeans can End the Violence in Israel! – See Why Here – Enough said! So, prove us wrong.
I don’t know how to reach this “white” “black” world! Learn why Here!
Educate yourself on historical quotes and historical facts here on this page of History That Is Erased By Arab-European Colonizers!
Is Israel A Racist Supremacist Ethno-State? – Find out here, Now!
Indigenous Stories and Indigenous Ways – Learn some here!
Back to the Take On Me index page – Click Here.
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