Arab-European Colonizers for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx, you are not victims of Israel’s 1948 forced decolonization. Arabs-Europeans, you are the oppressors, the historic and present oppressors – the settler-occupiers upon our Indigenous Judean land of Israel! Stop with the inverting lies, already. Israel is punching up in our land’s and our people’s defense!
It’s not the Jewish people’s responsibility to care for your Colonial citizens, just because you think you have a right to Jewish ancestral land for having Arab-European culturally appropriated, repeatedly colonized, genocided, and ethnically-cleansed Jews upon the land of Israel (which only Arab-European foreigners call “Palestine”).
It’s not the Jewish people’s responsibility to justify our Indigenous Judean people’s actions against your Arab-European Colonial settler-occupations and anti-Zionist (anti-Jewish) terrorism.
It’s not the Jewish people’s fault that Colonial Arabs-Europeans don’t know how to read our Indigenous Judean ancestral literatures. We didn’t ask you Arabs-Europeans to appropriate our Judean nation’s culture and settler-occupy our land for Colonial Allah-Christ-(now)-Marx and caliphates-kings (now) capitalism-communism.
It’s not the responsibility of the Indigenous victims of Arab-European Colonialism (Jews, Kurds, Assyrians, Balochs, Igbos, Pueblos, Cree, etc!) to prove our non-stop lived Indigenous histories upon our lands. It is the responsibility of the historic Arab-European racist anti-Indigenous Colonizers of our lands to convince us Indigenous Peoples that somehow your revisionist histories are what we Indigenous Peoples should believe, rather than our mutually known and shared experiences with you Colonizers for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all lands that are not yours to possess. … Yawn, you’re not convincing me.
We Jews are not the ones “troubled,” Christians and Muslims who hate that we correct you online and in person. 1,600 years of your appropriation of Jewish ancestors and Jewish ancestral literatures and your Arab-European colonization of this world for Christ-Allah and kings-caliphates, and we Jews are still here unassimilated and rejecting your Christian/Muslim worldview – to include your perception of Jews and our Indigenous Judean ancestral literatures. This is not an accident, but a deliberate Jewish act l’dor v’dor! We will survive you, Colonizers for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. We will remain a decolonized and self-determining Jewish people. We don’t care if this irates you!

عربي English
استولى المستعمرون الأوروبيون على الثقافة اليهودية والكردية ، ثم ادعوا أنهم من السكان الأصليين. نكت مضحكة! استولى المستعمرون العرب على الثقافة اليهودية والكردية ، ثم ادعوا أنهم من السكان الأصليين. نكت مضحكة!
The European colonizers took over the Jewish and Kurdish culture, and then claimed that they were the indigenous people. Hilarious jokes! The Arab colonizers took over the Jewish and Kurdish culture, and then claimed that they were the indigenous people. Hilarious jokes!
المستعمر العربي والمستعمر الأوروبي ظالمان لإسرائيل! سننجو من إمبرياليتكم العربية والأوروبية. العنصرية مرض. إنه غير قابل للشفاء. انا حزين لاجلك. العرب «الفلسطينيون» هم المحتلون. يزعمون أنهم السكان الأصليون ليهودا والسامرة. إنهم يكذبون على أنفسهم وعلى الجميع! يريدون أن تغادر الأمة اليهودية الأصلية ، لكن استعمارنا قد انتهى الآن.
المستعمر العربي والمستعمر الأوروبي ظالمان لإسرائيل! سننجو من إمبرياليتكم العربية والأوروبية. إذا كان كل ما تسمعه هو كذب ، فأنت تعتقد أنه صحيح. إنكار التاريخ لا يغير التاريخ. إن منع الناس من تدريس التاريخ لا يغير التاريخ. هذا مجرد استمرار للأكاذيب العنصرية حول الشعب اليهودي!
The Arab colonizer and the European colonizer are oppressors of Israel! We will survive your Arab and European imperialism. Racism is a disease. It is incurable. I’m sad for you. The “Palestinian” Arabs are the occupiers. They claim to be the original inhabitants of Judea and Samaria. They lie to themselves and to everyone! They want the original Jewish nation to leave, but now our colonization is over.
The Arab colonizer and the European colonizer are oppressors of Israel! We will survive your Arab and European imperialism. If all you hear is a lie, you believe it to be true. Denying history does not change history. Preventing people from teaching history does not change history. This is just a continuation of the racist lies about the Jewish people!
If we don’t change the online Arab-European Colonial social media narratives about the Jewish people of the land of Israel with our Indigenous Judean people’s narrative, then how(?!) do we expect to get the world to hear us and end this inherited antisemitism started by Colonial Arabs-Europeans?! The reason Jews in places like the USA feel isolated is because they think that Jews and Arabs-Europeans for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism are somehow equivalents (false equivalents) – and “if we just appeal to their better angels, reach out for understanding”…. Until the impunity from historical reckoning and accountability is removed from the worldwide social equation, the Arab-European Colonial occupied world is not listening! They don’t have to, for all Indigenous Peoples – including Israel – is still punching up to Colonial Arab-European supremacy!…. Jews need to unite with all other surviving Indigenous Peoples around this planet Earth for our combined survival as Indigenous Peoples, and teach them to do what we have done – and be Torah-style moral about it, as we strive to be as the Jewish people! A light for the nations….

Let not an opportunity to educate go past you. No matter where, and no matter when! … In Colonial Arabic, then, in indigenous Canaanite Hebrew and, then, in Colonial English.
إذا نسينا التاريخ ، محكوم علينا بتكرار التاريخ. لماذا يحتاج اليهود لتحمل المزيد من الإبادة الجماعية؟ لأن المستعمرين المسيحيين والمسلمين يريدون منا أن نصدق أننا نحن اليهود بحاجة إلى استرضائهم من أجل السلام ؟! … المساءلة مطلوبة للتاريخ على هذا الكوكب ، الأرض!
אם נשכח את ההיסטוריה, נגזר עלינו לחזור על ההיסטוריה. למה יהודים צריכים לסבול עוד רצח עם? כי המתיישבים הנוצרים והמוסלמים רוצים שנאמין שאנחנו היהודים צריכים לפייס אותם למען השלום?! … נדרשת אחריות להיסטוריה על הפלנטה הזו, כדור הארץ!
Christianity was created in the gentile north – the Aegean region. Christianity was literally designed to replace the Jewish people upon planet Earth! According to the Church Fathers: The Jewish ethno-religion is “a disease,” Saint John Chrysostom wrote this. So we Jews “grew fit for slaughter,” because “Jews worship the devil,” he taught. Saint Augustine encouraged the Roman enslavement of “the ungodly race of carnal Jews.” Saint Jerome connected all Jews with the immoral use of money, with Judas Iscariot, “Judas is cursed, that in Judas the Jews may be accursed… their prayers turn into sins.”
If we forget history, we are doomed to repeat history. To this day Colonial established structural Christianity and Islam around this planet, Earth, is still breeding anti-Indigenous (and, especially, Jew-hating) racists who believe these lies about Jews! How many Holocausts do the Jewish people, indigenous to Judea and Samaria, need to go through, before we learn this lesson?! How many more Holocausts can we survive as a people? More importantly: Why do we need to endure any more genocides?!!! Because the Christian and Muslim Colonizers want us to believe that we Jews need to appease them for peace?!
Snapshot: Colonial Christianity was invented here. This is not the Levant, nor Southwest Asia! Christianity was invented with 7 letters from wandering Paul and a pre-book of Luke. From this came the appropriation of Jewish Levant literatures and Colonial culture took place. … If we forget history, then we are doomed to repeat history. Why do we Jews need to endure any more genocides? Because the Christian and Muslim Colonizers want us to believe that we Jews need to appease them for peace?! … Accountability is needed for history upon this planet, Earth!
Hmmm. If only Indigenous Peoples histories were embraced by the colonized world around us. We still surviving Indigenous Peoples should know history, being that we are the historic actual victims of all the Arab-European crimes against Indigenous humanity! Just saying….

Let not an opportunity to educate go past you. No matter where, and no matter when! …
Like Marcion of Sinope in the Aegean north, like Muhammad in the Arabian south. Both are inventors of a new religion, Marcion’s Christianity and Muhammad’s Islam, respectively. Both created their “Bibles”, Marcion’s Gospels (seven letters of Paul and a pre-book of Luke) and Muhammad’s Qurʾān. Both Marcion and Muhammad were, personally, admirers of the tribe of Judah, and were inspired by our Jewish cultural traditions and ancestral writings. Neither Marcion nor Muhammad realized what their new religions (pure religions, separated from tribal ethno-religious traditions) would become, what Colonial crimes against Indigenous humanity would be wrecked upon this entire planet, Earth. In the process of conquering, giving Jews a BAD name everywhere! Our outnumbered Indigenous Judean people used and victimized in the names of Colonial Allah and Colonial Christ and, then, we Jews blamed for their Colonial sins of indifferent use and abuse.
Muhammad (in full, Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim) was born in Mecca, kingdom of Hejaz in 570 CE, and never traveled farther than Medina to the north when he died in 632 CE – forced there with his religion and his followers in 622 CE by his own Arab tribe, who are indigenous to this region of Arabia, who did not want to lose their ethno-religious identity. … Like Marcion, like Muhammad! It is the followers they taught that created the Colonial religions that have terrorized planet Earth’s Indigenous populations for 1,400 years and counting. Christianity’s Crusaders/Evangelists and Islam’s Caliphates!
If we forget history, we are doomed to repeat history. To this day Colonial established structural Christianity and Islam around this planet, Earth, is still breeding anti-Indigenous (and, especially, Jew-hating) racists who believe their Colonial lies about “the Jews”! How many Holocausts do the Jewish people, indigenous to Judea and Samaria, need to go through, before we learn this lesson?! How many more Holocausts can we survive as a people? More importantly: Why do we need to endure any more genocides?!!! Because the Christian and Muslim Colonizers want us to believe that we Jews need to appease them for peace?!
إذا نسينا التاريخ ، محكوم علينا بتكرار التاريخ. لماذا يحتاج اليهود لتحمل المزيد من الإبادة الجماعية؟ لأن المستعمرين المسيحيين والمسلمين يريدون منا أن نصدق أننا نحن اليهود بحاجة إلى استرضائهم من أجل السلام ؟! … المساءلة مطلوبة للتاريخ على هذا الكوكب ، الأرض!
אם נשכח את ההיסטוריה, נגזר עלינו לחזור על ההיסטוריה. למה יהודים צריכים לסבול עוד רצח עם? כי המתיישבים הנוצרים והמוסלמים רוצים שנאמין שאנחנו היהודים צריכים לפייס אותם למען השלום?! … נדרשת אחריות להיסטוריה על הפלנטה הזו, כדור הארץ!
Snapshot: Colonial Islam was invented here, Mecca in the Hejaz, 7th century CE! This is not the Levant, nor Southwest Asia! … Colonial Christianity was invented here, the Aegean region, 3rd-4th c CE! This is not the Levant, nor Southwest Asia! … All roads lead to Israel, the Indigenous Jewish nation, here, renamed Palaestinia (“Palestine”) by the Roman Empire in response to Jewish rebellion to occupation, 1st c BCE to 4th c CE! …
Jews never left Judea and Samaria, despite every European and Arab attempt to ethnically cleanse us from the land of Israel – by way of mass murders, enslavement, forced expulsions into European-Arab diasporas, etc. We still, to this very day, speak our indigenous Canaanite Hebrew language upon the land of Israel, fulfill our yearly agrarian ethno-religious laws and rituals (our “land obligations”) upon the land of Israel, and fight for Indigenous nation independence and sovereignty upon the land of Israel! … If we forget history, then we are doomed to repeat history. Why do we Jews need to endure any more genocides? Because the Christian and Muslim Colonizers want us to believe that we Jews need to appease them for peace?! … Accountability is needed for history upon this planet, Earth!

The United States looks more and more like Iran, the USA-clone nation of the Middle East, every single day! Israelis do not want to be a State of the USA! We do not want to be occupied by Colonial Arab-European settlers! Your UN enforced Jordanian occupation and Apartheid upon our ancestral land is anti-Indigenous racist, Arabs-Europeans. Jews don’t want to be you, and we reject your Colonial gods and appropriation of our Indigenous people’s culture! Your Arab-European Colonialism gives every Jew a BAD name in this world, Colonial Christ and Allah followers! … Look, I’ll say this again in our indigenous Canaanite Hebrew language:
ישראלים לא רוצים להיות מדינת ארה”ב! לא רוצים להיכבש על ידי מתנחלים ערבים-אירופיים קולוניאליים! הכיבוש שלך שנכפה על ידי האו”ם והאפרטהייד הירדני על אדמת אבותינו הוא גזענים אנטי-ילידים, ערבים-אירופיים. יהודים לא רוצים להיות אתם, ודוחים את האלים הקולוניאליים שלכם וניכוס התרבות של הילידים שלנו! הקולוניאליזם הערבי-אירופי שלך נותן לכל יהודי שם רע בעולם הזה, החסידים הקולוניאליים של ישו ואללה!
Since its founding, the United States has always been a morally corrupt colonial nation. There is only “white” minority rule in the USA! … Israel does not want to be a miniature version of the USA! This is why we need an Israeli constitution for the natives of Judah. … Free Israel from the colonial oppression of the United States!

Please, journey with us Jews on a very quick thought experiment: The Pueblo people in the USA make a very bold move towards decolonization of their Indigenous land – they decide to gather enough First Nation members (what Europeans call “Native Americans”) upon their historic land and forcibly declare Indigenous nation Independence and national sovereignty. In response, the United States implores to the affected USA citizens to leave this land so that the U.S. can declare war upon this Pueblo nation. The USA, then, wages a 10 month siege upon the Pueblo nation, displacing half the former U.S. citizens from the Pueblo nation land – and loses their war to re-colonize this decolonized Indigenous Pueblo nation. So, in response to losing, the USA does the following two things:
1) Sends USA citizens into the land areas of the Pueblo nation that the USA is currently occupying after the USA’s colonial war of aggression and declares a de facto State upon these areas. 2) The USA ethnically cleanses the entire continent controlled by the USA of all First Nation members (“Native Americans”) and deports them into the Pueblo nation. Further, the (Arab-European) United Nations supports with funding and political alignment the USA’s endless occupation of the Pueblo nation, because the USA says that the entire continent of Indigenous Nations land only belongs to USA citizens and USA rule – and the USA will not stop occupying until the Indigenous Pueblo nation is fully re-colonized and under USA rule.
The USA calls this idea a “democratic” nation solution, where there is equality between the Pueblos and the “Americans” in governance. The other term the USA uses is a “two-state” solution upon the decolonized (but still USA occupied) land of the Pueblo nation. So, the USA, with the United Nations proudly echoing, daily demonizes the Pueblo people as committing crimes of racism, Apartheid, ethnic cleansing, genocide, etc(!) – even though this is not actually happening(!) – by Pueblo Indigenous defense forces against the USA citizens, who are occupying parts of the Indigenous Pueblo nation’s decolonized land year after year with the directly funded support of the Arab-European United Nations.
If you understand the implications of this, what has been shared to you, then you now understand the plight of Arab “Palestinian” occupied Israel! To say anything that echoes the racist tropes of the Arab “Palestinian” Colonizers upon the land of Israel is antisemitic, full stop. These “Palestinian” occupiers do not have a right to decolonized Indigenous land. The Jewish people have the right to live in Indigenous sovereignty upon the land of our ancestors – a land that Jews have lived non-stop upon ever since the first Jew was founded in Moab (present day southern Jordan) and crossed the river – with Arabs and Europeans as citizens of Israel, and not as our rulers! If these “Palestinian” occupiers don’t want to be citizens of the decolonized nation of Israel, they can do what all other refugees have done, go live in their own countries or a country that wants their racist Colonialism.
No Indigenous Peoples want to remain colonized, anywhere on this planet, Earth! A “two-state solution” is the Arab-European Colonizer’s idea of a Colonial puppet State and an Indigenous nation-State coexisting together upon the same decolonized Indigenous nation land! It’s a lie. All Indigenous Peoples, they just want you to give up your hard fought sovereignty for Indigenous control over your people and your land, and hand it back over to them! The Jewish people – aka, Israel – know this firsthand, having partially forcibly decolonized a third of the land of Israel in 1948 – a land that has been Arab-European colonized for much longer than 500 years.
More to come….
A Colonizer is a Colonizer Regardless of Ancestry! Learn why Here!
A Taste of Israeli Politics – Jews Indigenous vs Jews colonized! – A battle between Jews Indigenous and Jews colonized for Israel’s future!
Jews need an Israeli “Constitution” based on the ways of Judea! – Learn about it, here!
Only Arabs and Europeans can End the Violence in Israel! – See Why Here – Enough said! So, prove us wrong.
I don’t know how to reach this “white” “black” world! Learn why Here!
Educate yourself on historical quotes and historical facts here on this page of History That Is Erased By Arab-European Colonizers!
Is Israel A Racist Supremacist Ethno-State? – Find out here, Now!
Indigenous Stories and Indigenous Ways – Learn some here!
Back to the Take On Me index page – Click Here.
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