Many of my responses are presented here in both English and, for those knowledgeable, in عربي.
Easily verifiable historical facts don’t simply go away, just because you don’t want to believe in them. No amount of revisionist history erases easily verifiable historical facts. And all Indigenous Peoples still occupied by Colonial Arabs-Europeans – including Israelis – will survive your attempts at assimilation! Get used to it. May the Kurdish people be the next to forcibly successfully decolonize, as the Jewish people has partially done in 1948 upon a third of our ancestral Judean-Samarian land!
The *only* Apartheid in the land of Israel is Jordan-UN enforced! It is the UN (the United Arab-European Colonial Nations – for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism upon all nations’ lands) that funds the eternal refugee “Palestinian” Arab occupation of the “West Bank” and East Jerusalem. Israel would not be so vulnerable to daily repetitious Arab-European Colonial acts of terror and destabilization (for the political and economic benefit of said *Arab-European Colonial nations*), if the UN were *not* propping up the UNRWA and supporting Jordan-enforced Muslim Apartheid upon the Jewish Temple Mount!
All residents of “Palestine” occupied by Arab colonialists know that Islamic Apartheid exists to keep the indigenous Jews away from al-Aqsa Mosque. This is the only Apartheid in the Land of Israel! Historical facts really are important.
يعلم جميع سكان فلسطين التي احتلها المستعمرون العرب أن الفصل العنصري الإسلامي موجود لإبعاد اليهود الأصليين عن المسجد الأقصى. هذا هو الفصل العنصري الوحيد في أرض إسرائيل! الحقائق التاريخية مهمة حقا.
*False Equivalency* – that Jews are equal to Arabs-Europeans – must end! “Apartheid” and “ethnic-cleansing” are the standard MO of the Arab-European Colonizers of the land of Israel.
The Arab Colonizers for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands chant daily “From the River to the Sea, [Arab-occupied] Palestine Will Be Free [of Jews and Jewish decolonized self-sovereignty].”
The European Colonizers for Colonial Christ-Marx-Allah ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands chant daily “The [“white” Confederate] South Will Rise Again [to enslave the Indigenous and former African slaves].”
Both Arab-European Colonial slogans mean the same *supremacist* *racist* thing! Both are chanted upon formerly colonized Indigenous Peoples’ lands, and both Arabs and Europeans wave their Colonial flags of racial superiority upon the lands of Indigenous Peoples around this planet, Earth!

In comparison, every Jew chants (at least) yearly (if not more often), *”Next year in Jerusalem!”* To include every single Jew in the land of Israel! Why? Because, Jews only want to live in peace and self-sovereignty upon our ancestral land of Israel. We have no desire as an Indigenous Judean people to rule over other peoples, nor to colonize their lands for YHWH! And we reject – resolutely – our own assimilation into servitude to the Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx gods of the Arab-European Colonizers who occupy all Indigenous Peoples’ lands around this planet, Earth!
No false equivalencies, Jews are always punching up to systemic structural Colonial Arab-European powers around us!
The Arabs who are occupying the Land of Israel, you speak the Arabic language that is colonized onto our land and you call yourself the indigenous population. The Jews of Judea and Samaria speak, read, and write our native language, Canaanite Hebrew. The Land of Israel is occupied by Arab colonizers who refuse to be citizens of Israel!
The Jewish people do not want to be Arabs, nor do they want to be Europeans. Jews do not want to be Christians or Muslims. The Jewish people do not want to be ruled by an Arab nation. The Jewish people do not want to be ruled by a European country. The Jewish people do not want the Arabs and Europeans to terrorize us any more! The Jewish people want to live in freedom and sovereignty in the Land of Israel! The Jewish people want to speak, read and write our Canaanite Hebrew in peace. Jews are the original inhabitants of Judea and Samaria and the northern half of Jordan!
All residents of “Palestine” occupied by Arab colonialists know that Islamic Apartheid exists to keep the indigenous Jews away from al-Aqsa Mosque. This is the only Apartheid in the Land of Israel! Historical facts really are important.
العرب المحتلون لأرض إسرائيل ، أنتم تتحدثون اللغة العربية المستعمرة على أرضنا وتسمون نفسك بالسكان الأصليين. يهود يهودا والسامرة يتكلمون ويقرأون ويكتبون لغتنا الأم ، الكنعانية العبرية. أرض إسرائيل محتلة من قبل المستعمرين العرب الذين يرفضون أن يكونوا مواطنين في إسرائيل!
لا يريد الشعب اليهودي أن يكون عربًا ولا يريد أن يكون أوروبيًا. اليهود لا يريدون أن يكونوا مسيحيين أو مسلمين. لا يريد الشعب اليهودي أن تحكمه أمة عربية. لا يريد الشعب اليهودي أن يحكمه بلد أوروبي. لا يريد الشعب اليهودي أن يرهبنا العرب والأوروبيون بعد الآن! يريد الشعب اليهودي أن يعيش بحرية وسيادة على أرض إسرائيل! يريد الشعب اليهودي التحدث وقراءة وكتابة لغتنا الكنعانية العبرية بسلام. اليهود هم السكان الأصليون ليهودا والسامرة والنصف الشمالي من الأردن!
يعلم جميع سكان فلسطين التي احتلها المستعمرون العرب أن الفصل العنصري الإسلامي موجود لإبعاد اليهود الأصليين عن المسجد الأقصى. هذا هو الفصل العنصري الوحيد في أرض إسرائيل! الحقائق التاريخية مهمة حقا.
The six million Jews who defend Judea from occupation (along with 1.5 million Israeli Arabs, Druze and Bedouins) pose no threat to the 1.7 billion Arabs who want to rule Judea. If the Arabs stop fighting Israel, anti-Semitism and murder will end. If Israel stops fighting the Palestinians, Israeli sovereignty ends. Antisemitic racism is a disease!
الستة ملايين يهودي الذين يدافعون عن يهودا من الاحتلال (مع 1.5 مليون من العرب الإسرائيليين والدروز والبدو) لا يشكلون أي خطر على 1.7 مليار عربي يريدون حكم يهودا. إذا توقف العرب عن محاربة إسرائيل ، فإن معاداة السامية والقتل ستنتهي. إذا توقفت إسرائيل عن محاربة الفلسطينيين ، تنتهي السيادة الإسرائيلية. العنصرية اللا سامية مرض!
The false equivalence is what keeps the Jews in terror by the Arab colonizers and the European colonizers. The history of Arab and European occupations of Israel must be dealt with. No more occupations for Colonial Allah and Colonial Christ! Until then Arab terrorists and European terrorists will target Jews. This friendship between Jews and Colonizers can only apply to Israeli citizens, not to the Palestinian occupiers.
التكافؤ الكاذب هو ما يبقي اليهود في حالة رعب من قبل المستعمرين العرب والمستعمرين الأوروبيين. يجب التعامل مع تاريخ الاحتلال العربي والأوروبي لإسرائيل. لا مزيد من الاحتلال للإله المستعمر والمسيح المستعمر! حتى ذلك الحين سيستهدف الإرهابيون العرب والأوروبيون اليهود. هذه الصداقة بين اليهود والمستعمرين يمكن أن تنطبق فقط على المواطنين الإسرائيليين وليس على المحتلين الفلسطينيين.
Teaching historical facts that are easily verifiable is really important! Palestinian freedom begins with education! Modern Zionism began with my family of Middle Eastern and North African Jews in 1882. Why? Because the Arabs will not stop oppressing us with violence in the countries they colonized with the British! Learn some history please. Not the propaganda of Russia and the Palestine Liberation Organization!
Yes the Jewish people from the land of Judea and Samaria! Then the Palestinian Europeans came to occupy. Then the Palestinian Arabs came to occupy. The Jewish people will always be from the land of Judea and Samaria! We were born on the Jordanian side and became a nation alongside Judea and Samaria. O Arab occupier, you wear the ‘סודרא’ – a keffiyeh for the Jewish people – and you call it a Palestinian keffiyeh. Thanks for reminding everyone that the Jews are the original inhabitants of Judea and Samaria!
إن تدريس الحقائق التاريخية التي يمكن التحقق منها بسهولة أمر مهم حقًا! الحرية الفلسطينية تبدأ بالتعليم! بدأت الصهيونية الحديثة مع عائلتي من يهود الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا عام 1882. لماذا ا؟ لأن العرب لن يتوقفوا عن قمعنا بالعنف في البلدان التي استعمروها مع البريطانيين! تعلم بعض التاريخ من فضلك. ليست دعاية روسيا ومنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية!
نعم الشعب اليهودي من ارض يهودا والسامرة! ثم جاء الأوروبيون الفلسطينيون ليحتلوا. ثم جاء العرب الفلسطينيون ليحتلوا. سيكون الشعب اليهودي دائما من ارض يهودا والسامرة! لقد ولدنا في الجانب الأردني وأصبحنا أمة إلى جانب يهودا والسامرة. أيها المحتل العربي تلبس «סודרא» – كوفية للشعب اليهودي – وتسميها كوفية فلسطينية. شكرا لتذكير الجميع بأن اليهود هم السكان الأصليون ليهودا والسامرة!
(In response to using Jewish history to paint Jews as violent oppressors) Well, if Arab-European Colonizers for Colonial Allah-Christ-(now)-Marx dominionism upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands hadn’t colonized, you would not have Indigenous Peoples’ histories to throw around to justify your Colonial Arab-European settler-occupations and social supremacies. Stop occupying Indigenous Peoples’ lands, and Indigenous Peoples will stop fighting you in defense of our lands and families, too easy! Hint, Jews will never have love for Arabs-Europeans who occupy the land of Israel for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy!
(In response to “the waging of religious persecution against Muslim members of the Palestinian nation must end. Israeli forces brutal regime of apartheid over the Palestinian people must end” lie) LOL! Arab-European Colonizers for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands in fear of Indigenous Judeans taking back our Temple Mount. The Arab “Mount Rushmore” al-Aqsa mosque must be fragile or something (like the former Christian church that used to be on top our Temple Mount until destroyed by Arabs), for Colonial Arab-European Colonizers to be so afraid for it. … Hmmm?! Indigenous Peoples unite worldwide?
More to come….
Again, we Jews Indigenous to Judea-Samaria and the Middle East know a racist antisemite on sight! … Hi, Colonizer for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands. Bye, Colonizer for Colonial Allah-Christ-Marx dominionism and ruling supremacy upon all Indigenous Peoples’ lands.
Responses to “Israeli Apartheid” lies
Includes false claims of ethnic-cleansing by Jews – Click Here
Responses to “Jews are European” lies
Includes false claims that “real” Jews are brown in skin color – Click Here
Responses to “Jews are a Religion” lies
Includes false claims that non-Jews in the Levant region are descendants of Canaanites – Click Here
Responses to “Jews are Racist” lies – Click Here!
Back to the Take On Me index page – Click Here.
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